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Calorimetric and microbiological evaluation of foodborne bacteria. Evaluation of bacteria after exposure to food preservation treatments

Автор:   Jaesung L.
мягкая обложка
220 страниц
2009 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
3212 руб
на складе

способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:The findings of this study help to develop the design of food processing protocols for manufacture of microbiologically safe and minimally processed food products. The effects of thermal and non-thermal treatments can be evaluated by comparing the corresponding thermograms of DSC before and after treatment. Overall, DSC helps to identify changes in cellular components of bacteria as a function of treatment conditions. Thermal and non-thermal food preservation treatments affect cellular components of foodborne microorganisms that cause physiological changes in cells and eventually death of bacteria. The apparent enthalpy data obtained from DSC can be used to determine viability and the kinetic inactivation parameters for bacteria. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the effects of food preservation treatments on microorganisms based on the changes in thermal stability of the cellular components and the total apparent enthalpy.

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2990 руб
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Gods and Myths of Northern Europe

We are never told that Idun’s golden fruit grows upon a tree of the gods, but she seems to have them in a box or bowl, so that she and her treasures could be carried off together. The symbol of the apple of the gods is in any case an ancient one, which must have originated in the Near East, the area from which the cultivated apple-tree came. Its cultivation in northern Europe goes back at least to the time of the Romans, but in the north the native variety of the fruit is small and bitter. In the figure of Idun – given as wife to the god of inspiration and poetry – we must have a dim reflection of an old symbol: that of the guardian goddess of the life-giving fruit of the other world. 2. Mimir and Hoenir Mimir is called the wisest of the Aesir. Snorri describes him as the guardian of the spring beneath the World Tree in the territory of the frost-giants. Elsewhere he is said to have been given as a hostage to the Vanir and killed by them, after which Odin preserved his head and consulted it in all times of perplexity and danger ...»

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Форма для выпечки "Имбирный домик".
Красивая подача десерта приносит не меньшее удовольствие, чем его безупречный вкус! Миниатюрный кекс "Имбирный домик",
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Раздел: Более 24 цветов
Звуковой плакат "Песенки-потешки".
Представляем Вашему вниманию уникальную новинку — развивающие звуковые плакаты, которые содержат стихотворения, занимательные и
780 руб
Раздел: Электронные и звуковые плакаты

Microbiological Safety of Food in Vietnam. Detection of Enteric Bacteria in Raw Food and Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance
Consumption of pathogen contaminated food may pose a severe risk as in some cases a low infective dose is sufficient to cause illness.
          3231 руб             2010 год          304 стр.          мягкая обложка

Campus 1 Fichier D'Evaluation
Ces fichiers photocopiables constituent un outil indispensable a l' e valuation des e tudiants par la me thode Campus! Ce livret comporte: - douze fiches d' e valuation de deux pages chacune correspondant aux douze unite s de la me thode Campus 1; - des conseils pour la passation des e preuves, les textes que l' enseignant devra lire pour le contro le de la compre hension orale, les corrige s des e preuves et des suggestions pour la notation. Chaque fiche permet d' e valuer les principales acquisitions de chaque unite : connaissances grammaticales et lexicales, compe tences de communication (a l' exclusion de la compe tence d' expression orale qui ne cessite un entretien avec chaque e tudiant). La dure e de passation d' une fiche est d' environ 50 minutes. Cette dure e peut varier selon l' a ge et le niveau des e tudiants. L' enseignant pourra donc organiser une se ance d' e valuation soit a la fin de chaque unite , soit toutes les deux ou trois unite s. L' e valuation de la compre hension orale se fait a partir de textes lus par l' enseignant de la manie re la plus naturelle possible. Dans certains cas, il est pre fe rable de pre senter le contenu du texte sans le lire.
          599 руб             2003 год

Tests D'Evaluation de la Grammaire Progressive du Francais Niveau Avance
Niveau avance Une se rie d’ouvrages comple mentaires a la ce le bre collection Progressive du franc ais. Un syste me de notation est pre vu qui permet a l’enseignant d’e valuer en classe ses e le ves. Chaque e le ve peut e galement facilement e valuer son niveau dans la matie re concerne e gra ce aux corrige s qui se trouvent a la fin de chaque ouvrage.
          869 руб             2003 год

Tests D'Evaluation De La Civilisation Progressive Du Francais Intermediaire
          848 руб   

Spectrum 6 Student Placement & Evaluation Packet
          599 руб   

Evaluation de la competence communicative en langue etrangere
          1025 руб             2000 год          143 стр.          мягкая обложка

Rotary Gate Microvalve for Microfluidic Applications. Design, microfabrication, and experimental evaluation
A new class of micro compliant mechanism that can perform a purely in-plane rotational motion without the use of pin joints as in microgear trains is presented.
          3188 руб             2009 год          256 стр.          мягкая обложка

However, the methods by which the treatments are applied, and the relative concentrations applied must be optimized for effective erosion control in a particular area.
          2744 руб             2009 год          180 стр.          мягкая обложка

The simulation developed is able to analyze the behavior of the file system, changing the topology of the network and connection speed between hosts and subnets, so that it is possible to change network connection speed and number of hosts, which generates a series of tests that verify the most critical points on the system.
          2744 руб             2009 год          184 стр.          мягкая обложка

This book analyzes an Argentine evaluation program of elementary students’ performance, which is alternative to this global trend.
          3188 руб             2009 год          276 стр.          мягкая обложка

Aleksandr Men`’s Approach to the World’s Religions. A Critical Evaluation in Light of the Declaration Dominus Iesus
Lukasevicius divides his theological analysis into three areas: the place of Jesus Christ among other leaders of the world’s religions; the teachings and practices of non-biblical religions in comparison to the revelation of Jesus Christ; the concept of faith as human response to Christ’s revelation compared to the notion of belief, as seen by Men`, in non-biblical religions.
          3188 руб             2009 год          212 стр.          мягкая обложка

Tactile Displays. State of the art review, design, implementation and evaluation of a new concept based on shape memory alloys
The display is capable of presenting a wide range of tactile binary information on its 8 x 8 matrix.
          2766 руб             2009 год          172 стр.          мягкая обложка

Text Summarization in Digital Libraries. Development and Evaluation of a Multi-document Summarization Method for Research Abstracts
It is an important function that should be available in digital library systems and other information retrieval systems.
          3212 руб             2009 год          224 стр.          мягкая обложка

Sponsorship Evaluation. Agency Theory, Performance Measurement, Expert Consultation, Case Studies, and a Process Model
A review of the literature and a series of expert interviews and consultations were used to explore the sponsor- sponsee relationship, and provide the basis for the construction and development of a sponsorship evaluation process model.
          3212 руб             2009 год          256 стр.          мягкая обложка

Automatic Yarn Characterization System. Development of a high resolution evaluation tester
Yarns evaluation has a major importance to Textile Industry, as the fabric quality depends directly on the yarn quality.
          3212 руб             2009 год          368 стр.          мягкая обложка

Long Term Performance and Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete. Accelerated Aging and Testing Protocols for Long Term Performance Evaluation of Recycled Materials in Civil Engineering Construction
Stiffness-time master curves were then constructed using Time- Temperature Superposition (TTS) and Stepped Isothermal Method (SIM) based on the Arrhenius Equation.
          1994 руб             2009 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

A multi-metric index for coral reef survey, evaluation and assessment
This index was then tested and used to assess the condition of several reefs in two Marine Protected Areas, the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia and the Ras Mohammed National Park, Sinai, Egypt.
          3212 руб             2009 год          208 стр.          мягкая обложка

An Evaluation Tool Integrating the Covert Story Obtained via Guided Imagery with the Overt, Verbal Life Story and the Verification The Whole Story: The Tree Which Tells Life Stories.
          3212 руб             2009 год          312 стр.          мягкая обложка

Evaluation of Brucella abortus RB51 vaccine in water buffalo
          2400 руб             2009 год          140 стр.          мягкая обложка

A novel exergy-based concept of thermodynamic quality. Development of a novel thermodynamic concept and its application to energy system evaluation and process analysis
In this work a novel concept is developed that allows to interpret exergy associated with mass or energy transfers as a product of thermodynamic quality (transformability) and quantity (transformation energy).
          3618 руб             2010 год          184 стр.          мягкая обложка

A Domain-Independent Framework for Intelligent Recommendations. Design, Application and Evaluation of a Hybrid Machine Learning Framework using Case Studies within varied Domains
Intelligent recommendations help users to cope with the steadily growing information overload within the internet or when using information systems at their place of work, for instance.
          3984 руб             2010 год          340 стр.          мягкая обложка

Evaluation einer ambulanten Gruppentherapie bei Adipositas und BES. - eine randomisierte kontrollierte Therapiestudie
Ziel der Studie war die Entwicklung und Uberpruefung der Wirksamkeit einer ambulanten multimodalen Gruppentherapie (Kombination von kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischen Interventionen zur Behandlung der Binge-Eating-Stoerung mit Elementen aus einem Gewichtsreduktionsprogramm) fuer diese spezielle Patientengruppe.
          3212 руб             2010 год          160 стр.          мягкая обложка

European Spa World. Dokumentation, Evaluation
Unter dem Namen European Spa World verfolgen die vier Partner das ambitionierte Ziel, die bedeutendste Gesundheits- und Wellness-Destination in Europa zu schaffen.
          2766 руб             2008 год          164 стр.          мягкая обложка

Risk Assessment of Existing Bridge Structures. Evaluation of the Risk of Structural Collapse
The five key risk indicators chosen are: (1) current safety, (2) future safety, (3) warning level (redundancy), (4) condition evaluation and (5) importance (consequences of failure).
          3212 руб             2008 год          260 стр.          мягкая обложка

Konzeption, Durchfuehrung und Evaluation eines Kommunikationstrainings fuer Pflegekraefte Patienten- und serviceorientierte Kommunikation in der Krankenpflege.
Ausserdem stellt er einen zentralen Punkt in der aktuellen Diskussion um eine gezielte Gesundheitsfoerderung dar.
          3212 руб             2010 год          204 стр.          мягкая обложка

An Evaluation of Rural Telecommunications Project and Municipal Networks The Development of Broadband Community Networks: Two Case Studies. The Development of Community Telecommunication Infrastructure and Service:
What are the consequences of the network developmental trajectories?
          3212 руб             2008 год          364 стр.          мягкая обложка

Evaluation des Trainingstransfers auf der Verhaltensebene. Qualitative Studie zur Messung des Lern-Transfers von Absolventen der Ausbildung zum systemischen Berater
Dabei werden zuerst verschiedene Transfermodell vorgestellt und von einander abgegrenzt.
          2413 руб             2008 год          144 стр.          мягкая обложка

Evaluation Betrieblicher Weiterbildung. - Entwicklung von Messinstrumenten fuer das Strategische Bildungscontrolling -
Neben einem Praxisbeispiel zur Entwicklung von Messmodellen, die kompatibel sind zu individuellen Kompetenzrastern von Organisationen, wird das Thema Lernzielkontrolle (Evaluation) und empirische Testentwicklung theoretisch abgehandelt.
          2005 руб             2008 год          120 стр.          мягкая обложка

SOWI - Was nun?. Eine Evaluation der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studien an der Universitaet Innsbruck: Ergebnisse einer Absolventenbefragung
So wird zum Beispiel untersucht, wie sich Auslandssemester, studienbegleitende Berufstaetigkeit oder Zusatzausbildungen auf das zukuenftige Gehalt auswirken.
          2413 руб             2008 год          148 стр.          мягкая обложка

Developing Strategies for Sustainable Planning. Building Performance Evaluation in Terms of Sustainability
Sustainability policy guarantee belongs to the most important tasks of architecture and construction of the new millennium. 40% of the total energy consumption within the EU is used for heating and cooling of buildings.
          3231 руб             2008 год          320 стр.          мягкая обложка


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