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La Fugue de Bach (+ Audio CD)

Автор:   R. B.
мягкая обложка
128 страниц
Издательство:   CIDEB
788 руб
способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:The curtain rises and the audience is shocked to discover that the prima ballerina has suddenly disappeared. Will police commissioner Morand, accompanied by the music of Bach, be able to solve the mystery?

Orthomol Immun Junior Сила иммунитета на страже Вашего ребенка

2990 руб
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The younger the better

Pouting, tantalizing lips puckered and she lifted her chin proudly without the least hint of embarrassment. He gawked like a schoolboy as he saw the slight movement. Beautiful neck that he had studied in awe for years. Only a hint of throat muscle movement, but definitely it happened. She had swallowed his ejaculation! Her eyes danced mischievously and he saw the tip of her tongue snake to her lower lip to check for any errant drops. "I want to do Bach's Fugue in D for you." She was facing the keys again and he was her audience now, not her teacher. "I feel differently about it today." The music moved in a way Flambeau never had heard. It had a new mood, a new pulse and a heartbeat. Her execution, always perfect, now was perfection with a soul. She was telling him what their sex play had done for her. His cock stuffed into her mouth had filled a deep need in her genius. Already he felt the stirrings of new lust for this angel of keyboard and song. Was this what made great talent greater? Flambeau had told her she was the genius and her sexual wants were hers to claim ...»

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Раздел: Доски магнитно-маркерные

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