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An etiological study. The Malaysian Sample Correlates of deviant behaviour:

Автор:   Chan S.G.
мягкая обложка
220 страниц
2009 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
3188 руб
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Описание:The social resources investigated are those available to them in their home, peer- group and school, and are measured in terms of parental support, peer-group support and school experiences. The personal resources studied are concepts of self, coping behaviour and moral development. This study aims to ascertain whether social and personal resources are related to deviant behaviour of adolescents. Survey method is used for data collection. The same questionnaire is later administered to 69 controls in a normal day school. The questionnaire is administrated to 63 male delinquent subjects in an approved school. Home visits are made to four families of the delinquents to collect qualitative data to obtain greater understanding of juvenile delinquency. Comparing delinquent subjects to controls will ascertain the resources that helped adolescents abstain from deviant behaviour. The questionnaire is posted to 16 of their non-delinquent male siblings who are close in age.

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Сравнительный анализ различных форм социального обучения у животных

Population Ecology of Raptors. Vermillion, South Dakota: Buteo Books. 399 p. Noble J., Tuci E., Todd P.M., 1999. Social learning and information sharing: an evolutionary simulation model of foraging in Norway rats // Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL'99) / Eds. Floreano D., Mondada F., Nicoud, J. — D. Berlin: Springer Verlag. P. 514—523. Oldfild-Box H., 1970. Comments of two prelimibary studies of «observation» learning in the rats // J. Comp. Psychol. V. 116. N 1. P. 125—128. Pfeffer K., Fritz J., Kotrschall K., 2002. Hormonal correlates of being an innovative greylag goose, Anser anser // Anim. Behav. V. 63. P. 687—695. Previde E.P., Poli M.D., 1996. Social learning in the golden hamster // J. Comp. Psychol. V. 110. P. 203—208. Reader S.M., Laland K.N., 2000. Diffusion of foraging innovation in the guppy // Anim. Behav. V. 60. P. 175—180. Reznikova J., 1982. Interspecific communication between ants // Behaviour. V. 80. P. 84—95. Reznikova Zh., 2001. Interspecific and intraspecific social learning in ants // Advances in Ethology. V. 36. Blackwell Sciences. P. 108—109. Rozin P., Kalat J.W., 1971 ...»

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CORRELATES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR AMONG BARMAIDS IN MOROGORO MUNICIPALITY. Barmaids are among the high-risk group of infection of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS
Limited studies in Tanzania have examined sexual behaviour of barmaids and the risks involved.
          2005 руб             2010 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Academic Listening Encounters: Human Behaviour Teacher's Manual
          2047 руб             1999 год          174 стр.          мягкая обложка

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behaviour
Why would an experienced pilot disregard his training and the rules of the aviation industry, leading to the deadliest airline crash in history?
          640 руб             2009 год          224 стр.          мягкая обложка

Risky Sexual Behaviour of Adolescents in Ethiopia. Reproductive Health Risk and Sexual Behaviour among School Adolescents in Mojo Town, Oromya Region,Ethiopia
However, the level of knowledge of reproductive health risk and sexual behaviour among school adolescents has not been addressed.
          1994 руб             2009 год          76 стр.          мягкая обложка

A cumulative and multiple cross-case empirical study of effective and ineffective managerial behaviour Universalistic Models of Managerial and Leadership Effectiveness.
          2400 руб             2009 год          156 стр.          мягкая обложка

A Laboratory Study of Railway Ballast Behaviour. Under Traffic Loading and Tamping Maintenance
The Railway Test Facility is housed in a 2. 1m x 4. 1m x 1. 9m concrete pit and comprises subgrade material, ballast, and three sleepers.
          2766 руб             2009 год          176 стр.          мягкая обложка

On the behaviour of numerical schemes in the low Mach number regime. An Analysis of the Dissipation Mechanism of Upwind Flux Functions on Different Cell Geometries
Using graph theory we show that the number of degrees of freedom for the velocity field on cells with more than three edges is reduced to zero.
          3984 руб             2008 год          224 стр.          мягкая обложка

An Introduction to Dolphin Stress, Issues Central to Behaviour Research, Methods and Statistical Analysis Issues Central to Behavioural Studies.
These questions and others are explored along with the popular question: do dolphins suffer from stress?
          2005 руб             2008 год          88 стр.          мягкая обложка

C. hectori: Dolphin Behaviour in Response to Tour-Boat Presence. Behavioural Responses of Hectors Dolphin to Boat Interactions as Determined Using Non-Invasive Theodolite Technology
This book (Volume II of III) outlines a study on Hectors dolphin behaviour as observed from specific tour-boats at two New Zealand locations.
          2781 руб             2008 год          192 стр.          мягкая обложка

Fingerprints for Complex Collective Phenomena Revealing Patterns in Team Behaviour.
A virtual simulation and computation laboratory using a combination of mathematics, statistics and computing is applied to investigate robot soccer teams' dynamics. The laboratory had to be developed from scratch since this was the first time robot soccer team dynamics had been investigated in this way. It is analogous to the approach physicists take in designing new instruments to search for theoretical particles. Complex collective phenomena, large scale global patterns emerging from the interactions of systems following rules are ubiquitous in nature and of great interest to scientists. Complex systems consist of individual components which can exhibit new qualitative, sophisticated collective behaviour that emerges from their interactions. Reductionist approaches cannot explicate the complexity and dynamics of global phenomena. Research in non-linear dynamics, fractal geometry, chaos and complexity has developed many new tools which act as instruments to probe the unseen depths of emergent behaviour. The technique developed in this book is derived from successful approaches used in quantum physics combined with theoretical ideas distilled from structural complexity.
          2005 руб             2009 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

"Personality Correlates of Psychogenic Impotence". Are Impotence Neurotic too
Neurotic symptoms are found to be associates with sexual dysfunction and they are sometimes found to be accentuate the other, the Personality of these people is entirely different from that of the neurotics, making it possibly to designate it as an Impotent Personality' . The present investigation was, therefore, undertaken with a view to studying the personality characteristics of people with psychogenic impotence in the Indian context, and also to see whether the personality characteristics of the people suffering from sexual dysfunction are the same as or different from those that are found in the neurotics. Research investigations and clinical observations on the personality characteristics of people suffering from psychogenic impotence show that these people is generally belong to the category of neurotics. Those who differ, suggest that they need not be considered neurotics.
          2005 руб             2009 год          88 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Politics of Housing Delivery. A Comparative Study of Administrative Behaviour in South Africa and Zimbabwe
Grand theories such as neo-patrimonialism that converge on the state penetration of society, have dominated debates on resource allocation models in Africa.
          3231 руб             2009 год          276 стр.          мягкая обложка

Saving and Investment: An in-depth look at the country' s saving behaviour and government control The Economic Development of Singapore 1965-99.
From 1965-99 the country managed to save an unprecedented 46% of its GNP.
          3231 руб             2009 год          424 стр.          мягкая обложка

Risk factors and drivers of the HIV epidemic fall into three main categories: proximate, behavioural and contextual factors; and commercial sex work is embedded in this triad.
          2005 руб             2010 год          68 стр.          мягкая обложка

Contraceptive Choices. Exploring women and men's contraceptive behaviour in Zambia
Using Demographic and Health Survey data, and information available from focus groups and in-depth interviews, the following key barriers to contraceptive uptake are identified: limited method mix, unavailability of methods,inadequately trained providers and high fertility aspirations. ' Contraceptive Choices in Zambia' aspires to inform policy decisions on family planning and inspire the translation of study findings into effective service provision.
          3231 руб             2010 год          352 стр.          мягкая обложка

Intercultural Differences in Negotiation. Austrian vs. Chinese Bargaining Behaviour
Companies and anyone interested in intercultural issues will benefit from this book.
          2005 руб             2010 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

Leasing and Legal Culture. Towards consistent behaviour in tax treatment in civil law and common law jurisdictions
This dissertation provides a historical comparative study of the phenomenon of leasing as a common law concept developed in the United States and transplanted into the civil law recipient countries of Colombia, France and the Netherlands.
          3231 руб             2010 год          352 стр.          мягкая обложка

Correlates of Scientific Literacy. A Hierarchical Linear Model of Turkish Student`s Scientific Literacy Achievement at 2006 Program for International Student Assessment
Thus, it helps researchers and policy-makers understand how the relationships between many exploratory factors and scientific literacy can differ from country to country.
          2781 руб             2010 год          164 стр.          мягкая обложка

Effects and interactions Consumer behaviour in an online shopping environment.
As overall results, positive and significant differences between the groups object of experimentation were obtained with regard to the effects of independent variables mentioned on dependent variables of the model.
          3231 руб             2008 год          536 стр.          мягкая обложка

Industrial and Political Behaviour, 1900-1920 Labour in North Queensland.
          3231 руб             2010 год          264 стр.          мягкая обложка

Flux-Line Elasticity in High Tc Superconductors. Resonant Ultrasonic System Design, and Measurements of Critical Behaviour and Flux-Line Elasticity in High Temperature Superconductors
In these Ph. d. thesis design and construction of a resonant ultrasonic system is presented.
          2413 руб             2009 год          152 стр.          мягкая обложка

Efficacy of different insecticides used against termites in Pakistan. TOXICITY, REPELLENCY AND TUNNELING BEHAVIOUR OF Heterotermes indicola AND Odontotermes obesus AGAINST DIFFERENT INSECTICIDES USED IN PAKISTAN
          2413 руб             2010 год          144 стр.          мягкая обложка

As a subset in this new field, additions of polypropylene (PP) fibres, in the form of woven textile fabrics, have proved most successful as reinforcement to cementitious matrices, leading to the development of a novel composite material: so called “Textile Concrete” (TC).
          3231 руб             2010 год          288 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Genetical Evolution of Social Behaviour
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!
          1588 руб             2010 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Prevalence and Correlates in a National Survey in Estonia Self-Report Delinquency in a Post-Soviet Context.
A quantitative survey of a national sample of 1507 Estonian youths in mainstream school grades 5–9 examined the prevalence of delinquency and the relationship between delinquency and individual, family, peer and neighbourhood risk factors.
          3022 руб             2011 год          276 стр.          мягкая обложка

Self-Destructive Behaviour
The term comes from objective psychology, wherein all apparent self-inflicted harm or abuse toward oneself is treated as a collection of actions, and therefore as a pattern of behaviour.
          1908 руб             2010 год          160 стр.          мягкая обложка

DEVIANT INTIMATE RELATIONS and LEARNING OF CRIME IN JUVENILES. A Study Conducted with Juvenile Prisoners in Central Prison Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Information regarding socio-economic conditions of family, crime history of family members and friends, and their crime learning process, was collected to analyze the causes of their delinquent behavior.
          1891 руб             2010 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Are there incentives that (can) play a role in encouraging CERN' s researchers to become (more) entrepreneurial? Has there been a shift in research interests of CERN' s researchers toward also more applicable research results?
          2623 руб             2010 год          192 стр.          мягкая обложка

Undernutrition in India. Dimensions and Correlates
          3048 руб             2010 год          232 стр.          мягкая обложка

Terrorism, Tourism and Consumer Behaviour. The Effects of Terrorism on The Decision Making Process of Tourists
Firstly, the book examines the decision-making process of tourists in an attempt to understand attitudes of tourists towards destinations affected by terrorist activity.
          3048 руб             2010 год          292 стр.          мягкая обложка


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