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Expression von Nestin und Osteopontin in Melanomzelllinien. Die Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren BRN2, SOX9 und SOX10

Автор:   Anna F.
мягкая обложка
100 страниц
2010 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
2359 руб
на складе

способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:Da der Nestin-Enhancer neben BRN2 auch durch die Bindung von SOX-Transkriptionsfaktoren aktiviert wird, wurde auch die Rolle von SOX9 und SOX10 fuer die Nestin-Expression untersucht. POU-Transkriptionsfaktoren wie BRN2 regulieren Gene haeufig in Kooperation mit SOX-Transkriptionsfaktoren und eine derartige Interaktion koennte auch in melanozytaeren Zellen eine Rolle spielen. Weitere Studien zeigten, dass BRN2 auch eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Entstehung des malignen Melanoms spielt. BRN2 wurde im Hinblick auf die Melanomprogression und die Regulation des extrazellulaeren Matrixproteins Osteopontin und des Intermediaerfilaments Nestin in 13 humanen Melanomzelllinien unterschiedlicher histopathologischer Wachstumsphasen untersucht. BRN2 wurde mit einer BRN2-spezifischen siRNA in verschiedenen Melanomzelllinien gehemmt und der Einfluss der Hemmung auf Expression von Nestin und Osteopontin evaluiert. Der POU-Transkriptionsfaktor BRN2 wurde erstmals 1989 bei der Entwicklung des Nervensystems beschrieben.

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Danse Macabre

It is a story that considers the ideas of mutation and deviation more brilliantly than any other novel written in English since World War II, I think. A series of plaques in the home of the novel's young protagonist offer stern counsel: ONLY THE IMAGE OF GOD IS MAN; KEEP PURE THE STOCK OF THE LORD; IN PURITY OUR SALVATION; BLESSED IS THE NORM; and most telling of all: WATCH THOU FOR THE MUTANT! After all, when we discuss monstrosity, we are expressing our faith and belief in the norm and watching for the mutant. The writer of horror fiction is neither more nor less than an agent of the status quo. 5 Having said all that, let's now return to the American-International pictures of the 1950s. In a little while we'll tally about the allegorical qualities of these films (you there in the back row, stop laughing or leave the room), but for now let's stick to the idea of monstrosity . . . and if we touch allegory at all, we'll touch it only lightly, by suggesting some of the things films were not. Although they came along at the same time rock and roll broke the race barrier, and although they appealed to the same fledgling hoppers, it's interesting to notice the sort of things that are altogether absent . . . at least in terms of "real" monstrosity ...»

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Раздел: Портфолио
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Маска для сна «Морфей», сделанная из мягкого и гипоаллергенного материала, защитит глаза от света, препятствующего нормальному сну.
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Раздел: Дорожные наборы
Горшок дорожный и насадка на унитаз "HandyPotty".
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Раздел: Сиденья

Francais: Expression ecrite et orale (Практика устной и письменной речи): Сборник упражнений - 272 с. ISBN 5-89815-094-3 ~91.10.01 274
          76 руб             `01 год

Expression Ecrite 2
La premiиre page propose u\ n dessi\ n ou u\ ne photo qui i\ ntroduit le thиme. Da\ ns la page suiva\ nte, la rubrique Observez amи\ ne а rйpo\ ndre а des questio\ ns porta\ nt sur des docume\ nts brefs et а produire u\ n йcrit sur ce modиle. \ niveau i\ ntermйdiaire La collectio\ n Compйte\ nces regroupe u\ ne sйrie d' ouvrages pratiques et ciblйs pour dйvelopper les 4 compйte\ nces du fra\ nзais sur 3 \ niveaux. Cet ouvrage, co\ nsacrй а l' expressio\ n йcrite, suit les recomma\ ndatio\ ns du Cadre europйe\ n commu\ n de rйfйre\ nce et s' adresse а des adultes ou gra\ nds adolesce\ nts aprиs u\ ne soixa\ ntai\ ne d' heures d' appre\ ntissage du fra\ nзais. Il prйpare а l' йpreuve A2 du DELF. U\ ne atte\ ntio\ n particuliиre a йtй portйe а la questio\ n de l' orthographe: orthographe d' usage, orthographe grammaticale et passage de l' oral а l' йcrit. Orga\ nisatio\ n de l' ouvrage: 5 u\ nitйs de 3 leзo\ ns chacu\ ne co\ nstitue\ nt les 15 leзo\ ns du livre. A la fi\ n de chaque u\ nitй, o\ n trouvera u\ ne page Passage du fra\ nзais oral au fra\ nзais йcrit et u\ ne page Bila\ n-Evaluatio\ n qui permet de faire le poi\ nt sur ce qui a йtй acquis lors des 3 leзo\ ns. E\ n fi\ n d' ouvrage, les corrigйs des exercices (leзo\ ns et bila\ ns-йvaluatio\ ns) permette\ nt а l' appre\ na\ nt de co\ ntrфler lui-mкme sa progressio\ n. La leзo\ n: Chaque leзo\ n compre\ nd 6 pages et permet u\ n appre\ ntissage progressif. Au cours des pages suiva\ ntes, des rubriques dйveloppe\ nt des poi\ nts de vocabulaire, d' orthographe puis de grammaire. La ci\ nquiиme page propose u\ n docume\ nt rйcapitula\ nt les poi\ nts abordйs da\ ns la leзo\ n. U\ ne rubrique Comme\ nt faire pour. . . ? four\ nit des co\ nseils pratiques pour le passage а l' йcrit. E\ nfi\ n, A vous favorise l' expressio\ n perso\ n\ nelle et permet de rйutiliser tout ce qui a йtй appris da\ ns la leзo\ n.
          875 руб   

Dictionnaire d'orthographe et d'expression ecrite
          1487 руб             2006 год

Expression logique
          346 руб             2006 год          208 стр.          мягкая обложка

Analysis of Beta-1, 3-Glucanase Genes from Strawberry Plants. Isolation, Characterization, and Expression Analysis of Beta-1, 3-Glucanase Genes from Strawberry Plants
The expressions of FaBG2-1 and FaBG2-3 in leaves, crowns, and roots were also examined at different time points during a 7 month growth period.
          2382 руб             2009 год          136 стр.          мягкая обложка

Microarray. Gene Expression Analysis
The scope and structure of the work will reflect the multidimensional character of drug design, focusing in particular on the fundamental science of biological structures and systems, the use of chemical and biological techniques to elucidate that science, and the applications of this knowledge in areas as diverse as drug discovery.
          3212 руб             2009 год          308 стр.          мягкая обложка

Im Modellorganismus Saccharomyces cerevisiae Expression und Reinigung des GimC-Komplexes.
Diese Arbeit kann Molekularbiologen und Proteinbiochemikern die auf der Suche nach neuen Strategien zur effizienten Anreicherung und Reinigung von Proteinen/Proteinkomplexen sehr hilfreich sein und beschreibt detailliert die angewendeten Methoden.
          1994 руб             2009 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

Herstellung von Spinnenseidenproteinen in Tabaksamen. Expression, Reinigung und posttranslationale Modifikation
Im Gegensatz zur Seide des Seidenspinners (Bombyx mory) kann Spinnenseide nicht in groesseren Mengen direkt gewonnen werden, da Spinnen bei der Jagd auch vor Artgenossen nicht halt machen.
          2359 руб             2009 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

Entwicklung einer Gentherapie gegen Rheumatoide Arthritis. Herstellung und Reinigung von rekombinanten adeno-assoziierten Viren fuer die Expression eines anti-TNF alpha Antikoerpers
In dieser Arbeit, die als Diplomarbeit an der Universitaet Innsbruck verfasst wurde, wird die Entwicklung einer Gen-Therapie gegen rheumatoide Arthritis beschrieben.
          2005 руб             2008 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

Creativity, Dementia and the Therapeutic Environment. Interdisciplinary Research of Creative Expression Abilities in Seniors with Dementia and the Architectural Design of Their Therapeutic Environment
It focuses on the circumstances that enhance or limit the seniors' ability to express themselves creatively. Understanding the physical, cognitive and social abilities of this population helps define the strategies for designing the shape and form of the physical environment. With appropriate architectural planning and design, such environments have the potential to attract seniors with dementia to stay in the space and become engaged in creative expression activities. But the space alone is not enough to engage the seniors. Success in implementing a creative expression program is linked strongly with an understanding of the seniors? physical and cognitive abilities and with the commitment of the facilitator to adopt a flexible approach to each individual. This book is based on qualitative research conducted with seniors at two adult day care centres. It will be of interest to health professionals, architects and designers, care providers, administrators of care facilities and families of people with dementia. This book aims to explore the physical environment and the level of success of creative expression programs for seniors with mild cognitive impairment to moderate dementia.
          3231 руб             2008 год          224 стр.          мягкая обложка

Characterization of KCTD12/PFET1. Functional, Genomic and Proteomic Analysis of an Intronless Gene with Predominant Fetal Expression Isolated from Cochlea
The protein, pfetin, is predicted to contain a voltage-gated potassium channel tetramerization (T1) domain.
          2005 руб             2009 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

African American Girls on MySpace. Artistic Expression, Viral Marketing and Corporate Presence
The text, images and multimedia applications found in these profiles were analyzed in relation to gender and racial ideologies that permeate popular mass media.
          2005 руб             2009 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

However, regardless of the initial Th1/Th2 balance, the final immune response depends to a large degree on the regulation of Th1 or Th2 survival under specific conditions.
          2413 руб             2008 год          132 стр.          мягкая обложка

A Probabilistic Time Series Model for Gene Regulatory Relationships and Learning the Model from Gene Expression Data Learning Causal Networks from Gene Expression Data.
We have validated the learning algorithm on simulated data, and carried out experiments on real microarray data.
          2781 руб             2009 год          172 стр.          мягкая обложка

Expression of Cultural Identity through Arts. South Asians in Contemporary Britain
Furthermore, identity matters because it raises fundamental questions about how individuals fit into the community and the social world and how identity can be seen as the interface between subjective positions and social and cultural situations.
          2005 руб             2010 год          72 стр.          мягкая обложка

Microarray Gene Expression Data Integration and Cancer Signatures. A Novel Statistical Method and its Applications to Cancer Research
With the rapid accumulation of microarray data, it is of great interest to understand how to combine microarray data across studies of similar cancers in order to increase sample size, which could lead to the identification of more reliable gene signatures of specific cancers.
          2005 руб             2008 год          120 стр.          мягкая обложка

Symbolic Computation Techniques for Large Expressions from Math. and Engineering. Symbolic Computation Techniques for Solving Large Expression Problems from Mathematics and Engineering
We give several strategies for solving problems from symbolic linear algebra and dynamic systems.
          3231 руб             2008 год          224 стр.          мягкая обложка

The sensitivity of the assays now in common use limits the resolution with which we can follow the activity of genetic-regulatory networks.
          3231 руб             2009 год          232 стр.          мягкая обложка

          2413 руб             2010 год          136 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
          1596 руб             2010 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

The principles of expression in pianoforte playing
          1142 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Christianity in Its Modern Expression
Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи": помарки, кляксы и т. п. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание.
          1144 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Kleiser's complete guide to public speaking, comprising extracts from the world's great authorities upon public speaking, oratory, preaching, platform ... debate, reading, rhetoric, expression
          1155 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

A selected list of plays for amateurs and students of dramatic expression in schools and colleges
          598 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

What is wrong with Danish Cartoons? Tensions between freedom of expression and religious sensitivity.
To the West anybody can be a target of criticism and even mockery.
          1920 руб             2010 год          40 стр.          мягкая обложка

Observation, Thought and Expression, Or, Seeing, Thinking, Knowledge, Talking and Writing
          1142 руб             2010 год          мягкая обложка

Manifest Expression
A manifest expression is a programming language construct that a compiler can analyse to deduce which values it can take without having to execute the program.
          1506 руб             2010 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Mammalian genomes encode numerous natural antisense transcripts, but the function of these transcripts is not well understood.
          2277 руб             2010 год          128 стр.          мягкая обложка

Multiple Input Multiple Output Multiplierless FIR System. Multi dimensional approach for sub-expression sharing
Different Tie Breakers i. e. minimum adder depth (for reducing power consumption), minimum Delays (for reducing Area) and minimum shift were introduced which reduces the complexity of the system.
          1891 руб             2010 год          80 стр.          мягкая обложка

Etude de l' interface neuro-immune et de l' expression de la proteine prion cellulaire au sein des especes bovine et humaine Les maladies a prions.
Par exemple, certains prions infectieux sont lymphotropiques, notamment en cas de scrapie chez les moutons et de variant de la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (vMCJ) chez l’homme.
          2661 руб             2010 год          224 стр.          мягкая обложка


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