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История политических и правовых учений


Politische Gewalt, Sicherheitspolitik und die strategische Kultur der Terrorismusbekaempfung in Deutschland Terror und Anti-Terror.

Автор:   Jan G.
мягкая обложка
308 страниц
2010 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
3984 руб
на складе

способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Prozesse haben Staaten und internationale Organisationen ihre Sicherheitsarchitekturen zunehmend auf asymmetrische Konstellationen hin ausgerichtet und Prinzipien zur Terrorismusbekaempfung formuliert, bzw. novelliert. Debatten ueber deren Zuschnitt ruehren haeufig an weltanschauliche Grundpositionen und offenbaren die komplexen Probleme, denen sich politische Systeme im Umgang mit Strategien gewaltsamer politischer Veraenderung gegenueber sehen. Jan Germann legt mit diesem Buch eine Phaenomenologie von Terrorismus vor und zeigt Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen seiner Bekaempfung auf. Seitdem gehen Bedrohungsanalysen von einer Abnahme zwischenstaatlicher Risiken bei gleichzeitiger Zunahme terroristischer Gefaehrdungen aus. Das weltweite Erstarken terroristischer Bestrebungen wird heute gemeinhin als Kulminationspunkt eines mehrdimensionalen sicherheitspolitischen Paradigmenwechsels beurteilt. Ferner untersucht der Autor die Frage, ob die in Politik und Medien verschiedentlich geaeusserte Hypothese von einer „realpolitischen Wende“ in der deutschen Terrorismusbekaempfung der juengeren Vergangenheit aus strategisch-kultureller Perspektive Gueltigkeit beanspruchen kann.

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Миф о вечной империи и Третий рейх

Der preuЏische Stil: Moeller van den Bruck und das PreuЏen-Jahr./ Deutsche Monatshefte; Berg, Starnberger See, 33 (1982),1, S. 3438 Ishida, Yuji. Jungkonservative in der Weimarer Republik: d. Ring-Kreis 19281933. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Lang, 1988. 298 S. Jenschke, Bernhard. Zur Kritik der konservativ-revolution”ren Ideologie in der Weimarer Republik: Weltanschauung und Politik bei Edgar Julius Jung / Bernhard Jenschke.P M¬nchen: Beck, 1971. VIII, 200 S. Kl¦nne, Arno. Kein Spuk von gestern oder: Rechtsextremismus und «Konservative Revolution» / Arno Kl¦nne.P M¬nster: Lit, 1996. II, 112 S. Krause, A. Moeller van den Bruck, der Prophet des Dritten Reiches. 1934. -121 S. Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur. Das Recht der jungen V¦lker: Sammlung politischer Aufs”tze / Moeller van den Bruck.P Berlin: Verl. Der Nahe Osten, 1932. 218 S. M¦hler, Armin. Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland: 19181932; ein Handbuch/ Armin M¦hler.P 2., v¦llig neubearb. u. erw. Fassung.P Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchges., 1972. XXX, 554 S. Paetel, Karl O ...»

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Раздел: Игры на магнитах

Anti-terror Legislation and Public Libraries. A Comparison of Librarians’ Concerns in the USA and Denmark
What are librarians’ concerns?
          2413 руб             2010 год          136 стр.          мягкая обложка

Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards
The US Department of Homeland Security promulgated the Final Rule on April 9, 2007.
          1392 руб             2010 год          76 стр.          мягкая обложка

Extreme Noise Terror'Damage 381' [CD] { } ~54.00.00 87726
          166 руб             1997 год

Anatomy of Terror
          408 руб             2004 год

Sea of Terror
          555 руб             2010 год          487 стр.          мягкая обложка

Tales of Terror from the Black Ship
At the Old Inn, which clings precariously to a cliff top above a storm-lashed ocean, two sick children are left alone while their father fetches the doctor.
          372 руб             2009 год          256 стр.          мягкая обложка

Handlungsspielraeume und Widerstand an der Grenze Repressionen und Terror in Westungarn.
Den Rahmen fuer dieses Buches bildet das Gebiet Westungarns vor der Umsetzung des Friedensvertrages von Trianon, den inhaltlichen Bezug liefern die Auswirkungen von staatlichen Repressionen und Terror auf die vielsprachige Bevoelkerung der Region.
          2766 руб             2009 год          176 стр.          мягкая обложка

Examining the Significance of Afghanistan in the US- led War On Terror. A study into the central role of Afghanistan in current global security concerns
The American-declared "War On Terror" has a global reach, but it is centred on Afghanistan and the tribal lands of neighbouring Pakistan.
          2005 руб             2009 год          56 стр.          мягкая обложка

Understanding Islam and Terror. The Case of Kashmir
This book is about the Kashmir crisis and how Islamic terrorism has evolved as a thread within the crisis and influenced its progress.
          3231 руб             2008 год          228 стр.          мягкая обложка

Red Terror (Spain)
The Red Terror in Spain (Spanish: Terror Rojo en Espanya) is the name given by historians to various acts committed "by sections of nearly all the leftist groups" during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, such as the killing of tens of thousands of people (including 6,832 members of the Catholic clergy), as well as attacks on landowners, industrialists, and politicians as well as desecration and burning of monasteries and churches.
          1596 руб             2010 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

X-COM: Terror From the Deep
Terror from the Deep (TFTD) on the surface is much like a skin change to UFO Defense.
          1392 руб             2010 год          92 стр.          мягкая обложка

The tales of terror ...
          297 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

The coming terror and other essays and letters
Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи": помарки, кляксы и т. п. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание.
          952 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Religion and the Reign of Terror, Or, the Church During the French Revolution
          952 руб             2010 год          мягкая обложка

Castle of Terror
The player gathers items throughout the game, which can then be manipulated to solve various puzzles.
          1737 руб             2011 год          132 стр.          мягкая обложка

'Unprivileged Belligerents' in International Humanitarian Law. with a Special Focus on the United States' 'War on Terror'
The concept of ' unprivileged belligerency' touches on one of the most important tenets in international humanitarian law, namely the distinction between combatants and civilians.
          3048 руб             2010 год          144 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Terror of Living
Drake is on Hunt' s trail when a big drug deal in the mountains goes awry and so begins a terrifying race against time. The traffickers soon unleash a merciless hired killer to reclaim what' s theirs. From the publishers of CHILD 44 comes the debut literary thriller of the year. . . Hunt, an ex-convict, has spent the past twenty years on a small ranch, supplementing his income with the odd drug smuggling job.
          553 руб             2011 год          306 стр.          мягкая обложка

Tales of Terror: Hunted Thrills
          1154 руб             2012 год          176 стр.          твердый переплет

Tales of Terror: 30 Postcards
One of the scariest, most bizarre and downright strange horror comics covers are collected in this deluxe postcard book.
          256 руб             2012 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror
Uncle Montague lives alone in a big house and his regular visits from his nephew give him the opportunity to relive some of the most frightening stories he knows.
          971 руб             2011 год          240 стр.          мягкая обложка

Estudio en escarlata & El valle del terror
          835 руб             2014 год          432 стр.          мягкая обложка

Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror
He served as a special advisor to the late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke during his final mission to the region and still serves the Obama administration under Holbrooke' s successor, Ambassador Marc Grossman. Now Rubin distills his unmatched knowledge of Afghanistan in this invaluable book. He shows how the Taliban arose in resistance to warlords some of whom who were raping and plundering with impunity in the vacuum of authority left by the collapse of the Afghan state after the Soviet withdrawal. The Taliban built on a centuries-old tradition of local leadership by students and teachers at independent, rural madrasas-networks that had been marginalized by the state-building royal regime that was itself destroyed by the Soviets and radicalized by the resistance to the invasion. He examines the arrival of Arab Islamists, the missed opportunities after the American-led intervention, the role of Pakistan, and the challenges of reconstruction. Rubin provides first-hand accounts of the bargaining at both the Bonn Talks of 2001 and the Afghan Constitutional Loya Jirga of 2003-2004, in both of which he participated as a UN advisor. Throughout, he discusses the significance of ethnic rivalries, the drug trade, human rights, state-building, US strategic choices, and international organizations, analyzing the missteps in these areas taken by the international community since 2001. The book covers events till the start of the Obama administration, and the final chapters provide an inside look at some of the thinking that is shaping today' s policy debates inside the administration.
          2942 руб             528 стр.          твердый переплет

The Siege of Leningrad. 900 Days of Terror
          868 руб             2007 год          320 стр.          мягкая обложка

Функции и массивы и др. (пер. с англ. ) Изд. 4-е Введение в Web-программирование с CGI; Объектно-ориентированное проектирование с использованием UML: ANTI ISO стандарт C++; Как программировать на С++: Упраляющие структуры;
В книге описываются мощные возможности C++, демонстрируется учебный пример объектно-ориентированного проектирования с использованием Унифицированного языка моделирования (UML), разработанного Object Ma\ nageme\ nt Group(tm), и рассматривается разработка извенных Web-приложений с использованием CGI.
          470 руб             2005 год

The Neglected Period Of Anti-Slavery In America 1808-1831
          2 руб             320 стр.          мягкая обложка

Jesus the Jew. Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic Constructions of Jesus in an Age of Anti-Semitism, 1890-1940
In the decades leading up to the Second World War, American Jews claimed the historical Jesus as a fellow Jew.
          3212 руб             2009 год          204 стр.          мягкая обложка

Methionine Oxidation in Human Prion Protein. Design of Anti- and Pro-Aggregation Variants
Second the incorporation of stable Met analogs, norleucine and methoxinine, in rhPrPC23-231 –mimicking the reduced and oxidized state of Met, respectively – was performed.
          3212 руб             2009 год          136 стр.          мягкая обложка

A History of Orthodox Jewish Anti-Zionism in Hungary Advocates of Exile.
Was Zionism at all important in the life of the average Hungarian Jew?
          2005 руб             2008 год          84 стр.          мягкая обложка

IN FOCUS: ANTI-SEMITISM. Anti-Semitism Presented in Arthur Miller's Focus
The central theme of this work is anti-Semitism as it was and it still is the cause of suffering for many people; and Arthur Miller who is able to show life and soul, death and faults, right and wrong.
          2005 руб             2008 год          52 стр.          мягкая обложка

It's All In The Past. Using Memories To Enhance Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy In Teacher Education
What are the implications when memories about school relationships indicate that racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, and other harmful practices took place, but were unnamed and unclaimed as such?
          2413 руб             2009 год          132 стр.          мягкая обложка


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