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Expressive Arts-Based Learning for Leadership Development. An Integral Approach

мягкая обложка
268 страниц
2008 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
3231 руб
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способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:Quantitative and qualitative data, and artifacts (i. e. poetry, mandalas, sketching, process art, collage) are analyzed. How can expressive arts-based learning build capacities to meet the demands of leading and working in complex, emergent work environments? Uniquely presented, this research follows the experience of ten participants in a six week, work/study program, Yoga and the Expressive Arts which was held at Hollyhock Education and Retreat Centre in B. C. Canada. Two program years are compared to explore the question: Theories of learning, integral models (Wilber, 2000), leadership theory, complexity theory, mind-body research, and music/expressive arts research are referenced. Human resource professionals, consultants, and facilitators will gain insights into design considerations for leadership development programs, organizational change strategies, and innovation initiatives. Music/art therapists, and artists will discover new possibilities for partnering with organizations. The research demonstrates that expressive arts-based learning can increase adaptive capacity, emotional and spiritual intelligence, creative leadership competencies, and presencing.

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Психическая работоспособность человека-оператора в стрессогенных условиях. Автореф. дисс канд. медиц. наук, М.: ИМБП, 1988, 26 с. 200.PЩукина Е. Г. Эмоциональная неустойчивость как ведущий фактор формирования дезадаптивного поведения студентов. Автореф. дисс> канд. психол. наук. М.: Изд-во «Институт психологии РАН», 1998, 26 с. 201.PAbramson L. J., Seligman N. Е. P., Teasdale J. D. Learned helplessness in humans: Critigue and reformulations // Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1978. Vol. 87. P.P4974. 202.PAldwin С. М. Stress, coping and development. An Integrative Perspective. The Gilford Press. New-York London, 1994, 320 p. 203.PAlexander F. Psychosomatic Medicine: Its Principles and Applications. New-York; Norton, 1950. 204.PAmick B. C., Smith M. J. Stress, computer-based work monitoring and measurement systems: a conceptual overview // Applied Ergonomics, 1992. Vol. 23, P1. P.P616 205.PApplay M., Trumbuil R. (Eds.). Psychological Stress. New-York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967. 206.PArnold M. B. Stress and emotion // Psychological Stress, H. Applay, R. Trumbuil (Eds.), N. Y., 1967. P.P123140. 207.PAronsson G ...»

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Utilizing Game-based Learning to Develop Vocabulary Knowledge. Utilizing Game Words
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An Examination of Leadership Development. A Role Based Perspective
In contrast, the current inquiry examines the networked and distributed form of leadership.
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Akzeptanz, Lernerfolg und Verhaltensaenderung durch Team-based Learning Fallbasierte interaktive Fortbildung fuer Arzte.
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This study evaluates, in particular, the outcomes of the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Technology Center (MLK CTC) After-School Program between August 2006 and July 2007.
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Police Leadership Development for the Twenty First Century Operation Praetorian.
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A Transcendental Phenomenology Approach Leadership Development in the Non-profit Sector.
          2005 руб             2010 год          68 стр.          мягкая обложка

Content-Based Instruction, Task-Based Learning. A 3-in-1 Pedagogical Framework for English for Business Purposes
Additionally, the book aims to explore the nature of content knowledge and its role in enhancing verbal participation in content-driven discussion tasks in the EFL classroom.
          3231 руб             2008 год          360 стр.          мягкая обложка

Between China and Germany. Grok: Concept and Groupware for International Project-Based Learning
Combining scientific results with empathy through local experiences was the strategy to ensure sustainability and cultural awareness.
          2005 руб             2007 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

How does the practice of expressive arts therapy help to establish and maintain a safe container for the necessary chaos of the creative process? Bodywriting™ Retreats For Women.
Founder Pamela Underwood MA, BFA is fully transparent as she reveals how the principles and practices of expressive arts therapy is used to create a sense of safety during this extended retreat revolving around the participant printing her nude body and working with the image that emerges.
          2662 руб             2011 год          196 стр.          мягкая обложка

GERMINATION EFFECT ON NUTRIENT DENSITY OF SORGHUM-BASED WEANING FOOD. Development of sorghum-based nutritious weaning foods using traditional food preparation techniques (germination and blending)
Weaning foods prepared traditionally have high viscosity when reconstituted and antinutritional factors which limits the total food intake by infants and bioavailability of micronutrients, respectively.
          1891 руб             2010 год          92 стр.          мягкая обложка

Research, Development, and Testing of the Instrument Personalized Learner Profile for Computer-Based Training.
A learner profile instrument was developed to provide specific strategies to help learners increase their effectiveness in taking computer-based training (CBT) courses.
          2277 руб             2010 год          132 стр.          мягкая обложка

Tending the Fire at Work. An Expressive Arts Investigation of Burnout in Mid-Career Professionals
Burnout attacks many of the brightest and most motivated professionals in industry today.
          1891 руб             2010 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

Pre-intermediate Class Cassettes: Аудиокассета. Cutting Edge: A Practical Approach to Task Based Learning
For general information on this course, see the Cutting Edge course page.
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Elementary Class Cassettes: Аудиокассета. Cutting Edge: A Practical Approach to Task Based Learning (CUT)
For general information on this course, see the Cutting Edge course page.
          2 руб   

Access Control Model with Role-Based Security Concept. Developing an Access Control Model with Role-Based Security Concept: the Case of Telecom Operator’s Customer Care and Billing Information System
The primary beneficiary of this work will be the TELECOM OPERATORs to enforce their security requirements related to the CCB system.
          2413 руб             2010 год          128 стр.          мягкая обложка

Civic engagement in Kenya. Developing student leadership through service-learning
This research thus takes into consideration multiple perspectives of varying University stakeholders and provides an innovative research design that values the ‘voice’ of the marginalized and other stakeholders who are to varying extents affected by the functions of the University but are often not consulted in the process of evaluating the role and relevance of the University.
          3231 руб             2010 год          256 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Art of Possibility: Practices in Leadership, Relationship and Passion
In their playing you hear not only precision, color and balance, but thunder, lightning and the language of the heart.
          1337 руб             2000 год          224 стр.          твердый переплет

A project-based examination of the politics of art-led research in a doctoral context Art as research: creative practice and academic authority.
These questions are in turn closely related to the wider issues of the role of creativity, the ‘subjective’ and interdisciplinarity in research.
          2382 руб             2009 год          152 стр.          мягкая обложка

Based on Its National Development Strategy A Broadcasting Model for Afghanistan.
The goal is to make media outlets and production facilities available in every village.
          2744 руб             2009 год          168 стр.          мягкая обложка

College Students and Faculty in the Residential College Environment. An investigation of student development in the designed living-learning environment
Students shared a wide variety of experiences with their faculty outside the formal classroom.
          2382 руб             2009 год          148 стр.          мягкая обложка

Learning Experiences in Developing Electronic Portfolios. A Case Study
Portfolio assessment allows teacher candidates to select and reflect on artifacts that demonstrate teaching competencies.
          2382 руб             2009 год          160 стр.          мягкая обложка

New Constructivist Learning for Design Education. Its Implication and Interpretation for Web-based Design Learning
The purposes of this study are to reconstruct design education with a new epistemological approach, and to develop a constructivist learning theory for Web-based Design Learning (WBDL).
          2766 руб             2009 год          196 стр.          мягкая обложка

Shelter and a "Secure Base" The Development of a ' Good Enough'
The women who moved would have higher levels of functioning in the areas of basic living skills and social support relationships as measured on three scales of functioning.
          2400 руб             2009 год          152 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Science Learning Centres in England. An historical account of their creation and potential to change the culture of continuing professional development
Roberts took the view that the prosperity of the nation was linked to the supply of scientists and engineers and that much of the blame for the shortages lay in school education. He noted the ' poor standard of school laboratories and the quality of pupils’ learning experiences in practical classes. ' He also identified problems in recruitment and retention and a lack of teachers with specialised subject knowledge.
          1994 руб             2009 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Input-Based Task and Interlanguage Pragmatics. The effects of input-based task on the development of learners' pragmatic proficiency
The results of data analysis indicate: (a) The three treatment groups performed significantly better than the control group, but the comprehension- based instruction group did not maintain the positive effects of the treatment between the post- test and follow-up test in the listening test, and (b) there was a significant main effect for Test and for the highly imposed situation items, the listening test scores were the lowest for the three treatment groups, while the control group did not vary according to the testing methods.
          3212 руб             2009 год          384 стр.          мягкая обложка

Rapid Development of Automatic Speech Translation Systems using Audio Recordings of Interpreter-Mediated Communication Learning Speech Translation from Interpretation.
Therefore, ST system development is very costly and requires months or even years of effort.
          3212 руб             2010 год          148 стр.          мягкая обложка

Benchmarking Based Process Re-engineering for Construction Management. A Systematic Method to Learn From Best Practice Company
However, many construction industries proposed BPR to evaluate the business process, not to redesign the business process.
          2413 руб             2008 год          124 стр.          мягкая обложка

Rapid Prototyping In Action. A Prototype Career Facilitator Training Module Developed In a Distributed Learning Format
This creates a problem for Career Development Practitioners who are interested in professional development but because of full time employment cannot easily afford the time required for traditional face-to-face training.
          2005 руб             2008 год          120 стр.          мягкая обложка

Development and Evaluation of Value-Based Review (VBR) Methods. 1. Developing Value Based Checklists and Value Based Review Process 2. Experiment to Compare VBR and Checklist Based Readin (CBR)
The experiment had performed to compare VBR and Checklist Based Reading (CBR). 28 independent verification and validation (IV In this book, I provide Value-based review techniques adding cost effectiveness and value of each issue into review processes, and report on an experiment on Value-based review. However, to data there have been no review techniques that have focused explicitly on the relative business value or mission value of the artifacts being reviewed. Currently, there are many review techniques proposed. Reviewing is a key activity that can find defects at an early stage of system and software development. I developed a set of VBR checklists with issues ranked by success-criticality, and a set of VBR processes prioritized by issue criticality and stakeholder-negotiated product capability priorities.
          2781 руб             2008 год          176 стр.          мягкая обложка

Does System Dynamics Facilitate Learning in Resource Management?. A Study Based on a Laboratory Experiment
System Dynamics is expected to have the potential to facilitate this process of learning.
          2005 руб             2010 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка


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