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Interpreting mysticism. An evaluation of Steven T. Katz's argument against a common core in mysticism and mystical experience

Автор:   Monica K.
мягкая обложка
248 страниц
2010 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
3231 руб
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Описание:Around this claim, he developes a theory of interpretation that implies the rejection of a common core in mystical experience. Katz’s theory has been interpreted and criticised as a ‘constructivist’ theory of meaning, implying cognitive relativism and non-realism for the experiences of mystics. This theory also involves a criticism against the so called perennial interpretations of mystical experience and of the phenomenal characteristics that are considered to be prevalent in mystical experiences across traditional religious boundaries. As a theory of interpretation, purporting to be superior to the perennial models of interpretation, Katz’s theory is evaluated in terms of their scientific value for the interpretation of mystical reports. In “Language, epistemology, and mysticism”, Steven T. Katz presents his theory of the interpretation of mystical experience reports in which the foundational epistemological claim is that “there are no pure experiences”.

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Fedora™ Unleashed, 2008 edition

For example, if you want to use the want command, your first inclination might be to write the following: #!/usr/local/bin/wish Although this works on many other operating systems, the script fails under Linux because want is located under the /usr/bin directory. However, if you write the command line this way #!/bin/sh exec wish "$@" the script always finds the correct binary. Using Variables in Shell Scripts When writing shell scripts for Linux, you work with three types of variables: в–єВ Environment variables — Part of the system environment, you can use them in your shell program. New variables can be defined, and some of them, such as PATH, can also be modified within a shell program. в–єВ Built-in variables — These variables, such as options used on the command (interpreted by the shell as a positional argument), are provided by Linux. Unlike environment variables, you cannot modify them. в–єВ User variables — Defined by you when you write a shell script. You can use and modify them at will within the shell program ...»

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