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Наглядные пособия, таблицы


The United States Government: Наглядное пособие Presidents of the USA.

Автор:   Брюсова Н.Г.
размер 910x660x1 мм
вес 100 грамм
2002 год
Издательство:   Дрофа
176 руб
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Великое противостояние в космосе (СССР - США)

И только США упорно не желают извлечь уроки из истории космической эры, предпринимая новые опасные действия в военной области. Примечания 1. Linda Hunt. Secret Agenda. The United States Government. Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip. 1945-1990. N.Y. 1991, p. 3. 2. John Foster Dulles to James Haggerty. October 8, 1957, Office of the President Files, DDE Library, Science Education. E 12/10-13/73, p. 1. 3. M. Davies, W. Harris. PAND's Role in the Evolution of Balloon and Satellite Observation Systems and Related U.S. Space Technology. RAND, September 1988, p. 5. 4. Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship. Report № SM-11827. Contract W33-038. Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc. Santa Monica Plant Engineering Division. May 2, 1946, p. 2. 5. Там же, с. 1-2. 6. Там же, с. 9,10, 11. 7. P. Кecskemeti. The Satellite Rocket Vehicle: Political and Psychological Problems. The Air Force Project RAND Research Memorandum. RM-567. 4 October 1950, p. 5. 8. Там же, с. 5. 9. Там же, с. 18,19. 10. U.S.Policy on Outer Space ...»

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    The president of the usa    The president of USA

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Раздел: Наборы для кормления

Как поступить в американский университет: Teens Guide to the USA: Американская школа; Страноведческое пособие по США для учащихся старших классов и вузов Тинэйджеры и интернет;
          55 руб             2001 год          192 стр.          Мягкая обложка

Английский язык. 10-11 класс. The USA
Его цель - развитие коммуникативных умений и расширение кругозора учащихся.
          237 руб             2008 год          312 стр.          мягкая обложка

A First Look at the USA
          490 руб             1997 год

Talking About the USA Instructor’s Manual
          238 руб   

Interior Spaces of the USA and Canada. Volume 7
Chapters include Commercial Space and Atria, Hospitality Space and Restaurants, Leisure and Art Centers, Public and Special Purpose Spaces (including facilities for medical and educational purposes), Retail Space and Showrooms.
          2 руб             224 стр.

A Cultural Reader: All About the USA: Level 4 (+ компакт-кассета)
The units are divided into seven thematic parts, each with a colorful opener to highlight the material to come.
          1072 руб             2008 год          186 стр.          мягкая обложка

Contagion effects of the USA credit crunch. International contagion effect of the USA credit crunch in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico
Following the collapse of the American housing market and the credit crunch, the financial markets of South America headed in similar, downward direction during 2007 and the beginning of 2008.
          1994 руб             2009 год          72 стр.          мягкая обложка

African American' s Pilgrimage Tourism to West Africa Cultural Tourism from the USA.
This book first provides a brief overview of the historical background of the trans-Atlantic slave trade referring to scope and scale, affected regions and communities and the United States as destination.
          2005 руб             2008 год          60 стр.          мягкая обложка

Is there a control mechanism that deters better than others and improves democratic policing initiatives of police agencies?
          2005 руб             2009 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Constitutional Judges or Legislators?. Policy-making primacy in abortion jurisprudence in the USA and Germany
          1920 руб             2010 год          76 стр.          мягкая обложка

Family Businesses: choices of legal entity in Argentina and in the USA. A compared study
We hope this work may help both legal advisors and entrepeneurs themselves to better analyze their options.
          1891 руб             2010 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

          456 руб             2011 год          32 стр.          мягкая обложка

Aspects of Britain and the USA
People; Geography; History; Institutions.
          1070 руб             1992 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

США. Страна и люди. Материалы к практическим занятиям по страноведению США Panorama of the USA.
Цель пособия – не только углубление страноведческих знаний о США, но и обогащение словарного запаса студентов, дальнейшее развитие навыков чтения и перевода.
          444 руб             2018 год          264 стр.          мягкая обложка

Издание для учителя Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs. Teacher&s Edition.
          223 руб             2008 год          94 стр.

The Lost Prophecies
But is it the result of divine inspiration or the ravings of a madman?
          702 руб             2010 год          432 стр.          мягкая обложка

Muster roll, Kit Carson Post No. 2, chartered March 27, 1867, Department of the Potomac, G.A.R. ..
          596 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

The Royal Institute Of Painters In Water Coulours
          595 руб             2010 год          мягкая обложка

The Official SAT Study Guide. 2018 Edition
Be ready for the SAT with strategies and up-to-date information straight from the exam writers.
          2072 руб             2017 год          1280 стр.          мягкая обложка

Can She Be Stopped? Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States Unless
          1095 руб             2007 год          236 стр.          мягкая обложка

All the President's Men
          263 руб             2005 год          480 стр.          мягкая обложка

Don't Know Much about the Presidents
          531 руб             2009 год          63 стр.          мягкая обложка

Crime and Violence In a Native American Indian Reservation:. A Criminological Study of the Southern Ute Indians Forward by Gilbert Geis, Past President American Society of Criminology
The natural process of acculturation due to globalization, has led to the development of a tripartite (three-level) criminal jurisdiction that exists today.
          3212 руб             2009 год          204 стр.          мягкая обложка

Can TV News Change History?. The Collective Memory of President Bush's Response to Hurricane Katrina
In an age when technology is evolving at an exponential pace, our reliance on it is increasing just as fast.
          2005 руб             2010 год          92 стр.          мягкая обложка

Nature, Distribution, and Extent of PCB Contamination seen in Extant Molluscs of the Hudson River Estuary, New York PCB Contamination in Molluscs of the Hudson River Estuary, NY, USA.
Statistical regressions were performed for the water quality indicators of salinity, dissolved oxygen, percent oxygen saturation, pH, and eH, all of which were measured at the time of sampling.
          3231 руб             2009 год          352 стр.          мягкая обложка

Testing the President's Hypothesis. Are Terrorist Attacks the Result of Freedom in the World?
          2005 руб             2010 год          60 стр.          мягкая обложка

Balancing the Ticket. How Selecting A Vice President Has Changed in the Modern Era
Over the past century, the role of the vice presidency has increased drastically, to the point that some view the president and the vice president as a co-presidency.
          2005 руб             2009 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

President of the United States
          1840 руб             2010 год          128 стр.          мягкая обложка

President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The calling of President of the Twelve has been held by 25 men, 15 of whom have gone on to become President of the Church.
          1596 руб             2010 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Road Rules: USA – The First Adventure
Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television (primarily with game shows), the term reality television is most commonly used to describe programs of this genre produced since 2000.
          2198 руб             2010 год          176 стр.          мягкая обложка

The USA from Columbus until Nowadays
          81 руб             2002 год          208 стр.          Мягкая обложка

Наглядное пособие ISBN Education in the USA. Education in Great Britain:
          176 руб             2008 год

The USA. The USA. Facts and Figures: Наглядное пособие
          176 руб             2008 год

Наглядное пособие для средшей школы History of the USA:
          95 руб             2007 год

In the USA
Упpажнения снабжены ключами.
          346 руб             2000 год          105 стр.          Мягкая обложка

USA in Brief (О США кратко): Книга для чтения на английском языке - 190 с. ISBN 5-94045-014-8 ~90.11.29 914
          49 руб             `00 год

Набор для детей: Бокс 'USA 6-oz' (2 перчатки, 1 груша) - - с. ISBN SE-3022 6U ~54.00.00 11521
          260 руб             - год

Puzzle: 1000 деталей: Mount Rainier, Washington, USA - - с. ISBN C-100996 ~93.11.20 121
          167 руб             - год

Puzzle: 1500 деталей: Monument Valley, Arizona, USA - - с. ISBN С-150229 ~93.12.10 065
          192 руб             - год

Puzzle: 2000 деталей: USA: Yellowstone National Park Wyoming (США: Национальный парк) - - с. ISBN С-200061 ~93.01.09 157
          317 руб             - год


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