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Alessandro Birindelli

Автор:   Frederic P. M.
мягкая обложка
88 страниц
2010 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
1392 руб
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способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:Alessandro Birindelli (born 12 November 1974) is an Italian footballer who currently plays with A. S. Pescina Valle del Giovenco in Lega Pro Prima Divisione. Born to Paolo and Erminia Birindelli in Pisa, the second of two children (sister Tiziana), Birindelli started playing football at the age of eight for the local team of San Frediano (an area of Pisa not far from his boyhood home and the church of the same name). High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! A longtime Juventus FC fan, being an admirer of Michel Platini, he was also influenced by Paolo Maldini' s professionalism and sportsmanship, and entered into Empoli FC' s youth academy, beginning his career as a right winger before moving into defense. Equally at ease as right or left back, he is best known for his 11-year spell with giants Juventus, winning several accolades.

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Энциклопедический словарь

С целыю понизить температуру у детей с здоровым сердцем жаропонижающие, а лучше ванны, обтирания губкой; на голову - лед. При возбуждении больных - бромистые препараты, уретан, сульфонал; при угнетении нервной системы - ванны с обливанием холодной водой и возбуждающее. При упадке сердечной деятельности - сердечные средства. Лечение осложнений ведется сообразно с характером их. Развившееся после С. малокровие требует усиленного питания, назначения пепсина, соматозы. Обширные поражения клетчатки шеи требуют раннего вскрытия нарывов. Держать больных в постели надо не менее 2 недель даже в легких случаях С. На воздух выпускать не раньше 3 недель летом и 6 недель зимой. Школу посещать можно только через 6 недель со дня заболевания и после основательной дезинфенции помещения, платья, школьных принадлежностей и при отсутствии у больного следов шелушения и если в доме нет других больных С. А. Скарлатти (Alessandro Scarlatti) - один из знаменитых итальянских композиторов неаполитанской школы (1649 - 1725), ученик Кариссими. С. считается первым, который ввел форму арии с da саро, ставшей с того времени общеупотребительной ...»

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Бумага упаковочная "Путешествие", 70x100 см, 10 листов.
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Раздел: Прочие
Настольная игра "Тримино".
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Раздел: Домино детское
Чернила "Bottle Quink", синие, 57 мл.
Цвет – синий. Объем – 57 мл. Материал флакона – стекло.
449 руб
Раздел: Чернила, тушь, штемпель

Parlate Del Padre Alessandro Gavazzi, Barnabita Bolognese, Al Popolo Di Firenze (Italian Edition)
          360 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Alessandro Volta
          2005 руб             2010 год          156 стр.          мягкая обложка

Alessandro Sforza
Alessandro collaborated actively with his brother Francesco in his military campaign, and with him he conquered Milan, Alessandria and Pesaro.
          1188 руб             2010 год          68 стр.          мягкая обложка

Una Notte a Firenze Sotto Alessandro De' Medici (Italian Edition)
Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи": помарки, кляксы и т. п. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание.
          1155 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Alessandro Haber
His first leading role was in Pupi Avati' s Regalo di Natale. Haber directed his only movie in 2003 with Scacco pazzo. He is also a distinguished theatre actor, having performed amongst others in Orgia by Pier Paolo Pasolini, Woyzeck by Georg Buechner, L' avaro by Moliere, Zio Vania by Anton Chekhov, Dialogo by Natalia Ginzburg and Arlecchino by Carlo Goldoni.
          1519 руб             2010 год          124 стр.          мягкая обложка

Alessandro Mendini: Minimum Design
An accurate selection of the designer' s most famous objects arranged in chronological order and a critique of his or her work summarsing the most significant reviews published in magazines and newspapers will complete the subject. Minimum Architects' series, the ' Minimum Design' series includes books about the major figures in the field of design, creators of objects that have become a part of our daily lives.
          2031 руб             2012 год          120 стр.          твердый переплет

A long journey towards citizenship. District areas and social services in Goteborg
How did the district reform affect social services with regard to the building processof the local welfare?
          1994 руб             2009 год          68 стр.          мягкая обложка

Passive Vibration Isolators with High-Static-Low-Dynamic-Stiffness. Basic Principles and Design of HSLDS Mechanisms
Ideally, a vibration isolation mount would have a high static stiffness to prevent too large a static displacement to occur, but a low dynamic stiffness which reduces the natural frequency and extends the frequency range of isolation.
          2781 руб             2010 год          196 стр.          мягкая обложка

Nuove Pagine Sul Cristianesimo Antico (Italian Edition)
          1145 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

I promessi sposi
          1549 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Vicende Memorabili Dal 1789 Al 1801 (Italian Edition)
          1153 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Wearable Kinaesthetic Systems for Capturing Body Posture and Gesture. Motion Sensing Garments
This work deals with the design, the development and the evaluation of a set of sensing garments for human posture and gesture classification, from the characterization of innovative elastic and piezo-resistive textile-based sensors to the methodologies employed to gather information on the posture and movement from raw sensor data.
          1896 руб             2011 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN FIRM STRATEGY. How IT affects the competitive advantage of the enterprise and the definition and implementation of firm strategy
Consequently, it cannot be taken for granted that IT expenditure ‘per se' is a correct proxy for evaluating the role of IT on firm performance, without a distinction of IT typology and destination. Therefore, in this work we study the role assigned by firms to IT resources by analysing the decision making process for IT investment choices. The aims of this work are mainly two: i) analysing how IT investments affect the competitive advantage of the enterprise; ii) understanding the role of IT in the definition and implementation of firm strategy. This approach underestimates the analysis of the typology of IT expenditure, specifically in terms of organization and business strategy effects. IT investments in business processes include several types of technologies and not all of them are able to influence the competitive advantage of firms. The debate on the role of IT in the competitive dynamics of enterprises has assumed a remarkable importance, during the last few years, in the economic and managerial literature. Most of the literature pays attention to the relationship between IT investments and business performance.
          1891 руб             2010 год          116 стр.          мягкая обложка

Le preposizioni italiane
Questo eserciziario, facile e completo, e interamente dedicato allo studio delle preposizioni italiane. Attraverso una serie di percorsi didattici moderni, funzionali e divertenti, il libro offre agli studenti l' opportunita di capire il senso e la ragione dell' uso delle singole preposizioni e la possibilita di esprimersi correttamente. Tutti gli argomenti, dai piu semplici ai piu complessi, sono trattati con tabelle ed esempi chiari che presentano i casi piu utili e frequenti; lo studio di ogni argomento e accompagnato da una grande varieta di esercizi, giochi, test e attivita che permettono di fare pratica con l' uso delle preposizioni in italiano.
          1505 руб             2009 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

          405 руб             2010 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

Maschere a Venezia
          405 руб             1996 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

Radio Lina (+ Audio CD)
Ma a Firenze qualcuno non ama la musica. . . Il CD audio contiene la registrazione del testo di Radio Lina.
          1107 руб             2006 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

Questa Storia
          750 руб             2008 год          279 стр.          мягкая обложка

Alfa Romeo
The story of one of the most famous Italian car manufacturers in the world officially began in Milan on 24th June 1910.
          482 руб             2011 год          192 стр.          твердый переплет

I Promessi Sposi
          819 руб             2008 год          552 стр.          мягкая обложка

BMW Alpina
Ende 2007 gab Alpina bekannt, dass man mit einem auf dem Alpina B6S basierenden Modell in den Motorsport zur? ckkehren wolle. Dieser Typenkompass beschreibt die spannende Geschichte der BMW Alpina-Fahrzeuge detailliert und im handlichen Format.
          1408 руб             2011 год          127 стр.          мягкая обложка

Tre volte all'alba
          1475 руб             2012 год          94 стр.          мягкая обложка

Questa storia
          1435 руб             2014 год          мягкая обложка

I promessi sposi
          930 руб             2016 год          640 стр.

Nuovi Quaderni Ditals: Ditals I livello. Volume 2
Ciascun profilo e suddiviso in tre sezioni: A - Analisi guidata di materiali didattici. B - Analisi e sfruttamento didattico di un testo. C - Conoscenze glottodidattiche. In questo secondo volume sono raccolti i profili per l' insegnamento dell' italiano a "immigrati", "studenti universitari", "studenti USA (University Study Abroad)", "apprendenti di madrelingua araba", "apprendenti di madrelingua cinese", "apprendenti di madrelingua giapponese" e "apprendenti di madrelingua tedesca". Italiano a Stranieri (Certificazione DITALS). Il Nuovo Quaderno Ditals di I livello offre le piu recenti prove d' esame (Sessioni 2013-2015), complete di chiavi. Curato dalla Prof. ssa Stefania Semplici, e stato organizzato in due volumi per poter offrire tutti i profili previsti dalla Certificazione di Competenza in Didattica dell'
          1663 руб             2017 год          мягкая обложка


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