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Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi

Автор:   Lambert M. S.
мягкая обложка
92 страниц
2010 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
1392 руб
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Описание:Muhammad ibn Musa, Abu Dscha'far al-Chwarizmi war ein persischer Universalgelehrter, ein Mathematiker, Astronom und Geograph, der den groessten Teil seines Lebens in Bagdad verbrachte und dort im „Haus der Weisheit“ taetig war. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Von seinem Namen leitet sich der Begriff Algorithmus ab. Das Geburts- und Todesjahr von Al-Chwarizmi sind nicht genau bekannt, doch der Bibliothekar Ibn an-Nadim schreibt ueber ihn, dass er choresmischer Herkunft war. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!

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Wickham, Social Memory (Oxford, 1992). Fiey, J. M., "The last Byzantine campaign into Persia and its influence on the attitude of the local populations towards the Muslim conquerors 7-16 H/628-36 AD", in Proceedings of the second symposium on the history ofBilad al-Sham during the early Islamic period up to 40 AH/640 AD, ed A. Bakhit (Amman, 1987), pp. 96-103. Firestone, R., Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam (Oxford, 1999). Foss, C. 'The Persians in Asia Minor and the End of Antiquity", English Historical Review 90 (1975): 721-47, reprinted in idem, History and Archaeology of Byzantine Asia Minor (Aldershot, 1990), I. — "The Near Eastern countryside in Late Antiquity: a review article", in The Roman and Byzantine Near East: Some recent archaeological research, vol. I: Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series 14(1995): 213-34. — "Syria in transition, AD 550-750: an archaeological approach", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 51 (1997): 189-270. Fouracre, P., The Age of Charles Martel (London, 2000). Fowden, E. K., The Barbarian Plain: Saint Sergius between Rome and Iran[Berkeley, CA, 1999). Fowden, G., Empire to Commonwealth: Consequences of Monotheism in Late Antiquity (Princeton, NJ, 1993). Fraser, A., The Gypsies (2nd edn, Oxford, 1992). Fraser, J., The Golden Bough (New York, 1922). Gabrieli, E., "Muhammad ibn Qasim at-Thaqafi and the Arab conquest of Sind", East and West 15 (1964-65): 281-95. Gayraud, R.-P., "Fostat: evolution d"une capitale arabe du VII au XII siecle d'apres les fouilles d'Istabl Antar", in Colloque international d'archeologie islamique, ed. R.-P ...»

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Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi
Muhammad ibn Musa, Abu Dscha' far al-Chwarizmi (* um 780; † zwischen 835 (? ) und 850) war ein persischer Universalgelehrter, ein Mathematiker, Astronom und Geograph, der den groessten Teil seines Lebens in Bagdad verbrachte und dort im „Haus der Weisheit“ taetig war. Von seinem Namen leitet sich der Begriff Algorithmus ab. Das Geburts- und Todesjahr von Al-Chwarizmi sind nicht genau bekannt, doch der Bibliothekar Ibn an-Nadim schreibt ueber ihn, dass er choresmischer Herkunft war (wa-a? lu-hu min ? w? rizm). Er hat sein ganzes Leben in Bagdad, der Hauptstadt der Abbasiden-Kalifen, gelebt. Sein hauptsaechliches Wirken fiel in die Jahre 813 bis 833; er war Mitglied im Haus der Weisheit (Dar al-Hikma) des Kalifen Al-Ma' mun und verfasste alle seine Werke in arabischer Sprache.
          1392 руб             2010 год          92 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Ja'far Al-Tahawi
Er begann seine Studien bei seinem Onkel muetterlicherseits, dem Gelehrten al-Muzan? († 877), einem der bekanntesten Schueler von Muhammad ibn Idris al-Schafii und Uberlieferer von dessen Kit? b al-Umm, der Grundlage der schafiitischen Rechtslehre.
          1188 руб             2010 год          68 стр.          мягкая обложка

Muhammad ibn M?s? al-Khw?rizm?
His Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabala presented the first systematic solution of linear and quadratic equations.
          1392 руб             2010 год          80 стр.          мягкая обложка

Muhammad ibn Saud
          1392 руб             2010 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib
          1596 руб             2010 год          116 стр.          мягкая обложка

Der Begriff des sirk bei Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahhab. Im Kontext der saudischen Staatengruendung
          1896 руб             2011 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Bustan Al-Ukul
          2 руб             246 стр.          мягкая обложка

Gedichte Des Ma'n Ibn Aus (German Edition)
          497 руб             2011 год          мягкая обложка

Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn Al-Haitham
Urspruenglich zwecks Regulierung des Nils nach Kairo an den Hof al-Hakims berufen, brachte er es dort bis zum Amt eines Wesirs.
          1840 руб             2010 год          132 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Ideology and Influence of Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi A Quietist Jihadi.
Since 9/11, the Jordanian Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (b. West Bank, 1959) has emerged as one of the most important radical Muslim thinkers alive today.
          2188 руб             2012 год          312 стр.          мягкая обложка

Ibn al-Azraq's Political Thought. A Study of Bada'i‘ al-Silk fi Taba'i‘ al-Mulk
This book is a must for scholars and students of Ibn Khaldun and al-Andalus.
          3231 руб             2010 год          204 стр.          мягкая обложка

Al-Muizz ibn Badis
In 1016 there was a bloody revolt in Ifriqiya in which the Fatimid residence Al-Mansuriya was completely destroyed and 20,000 Shiites were massacred.
          1188 руб             2010 год          68 стр.          мягкая обложка

Muhammad al-Durrah Incident
The footage, which lasts just over a minute, shows the pair holding onto each other, the boy crying and the father waving, then a burst of gunfire and dust, after which the boy is seen slumped across his father' s legs. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Muhammad al-Durrah incident took place at the Netzarim junction in the Gaza Strip on September 30, 2000, on the second day of the Second Intifada, amid widespread rioting throughout the Palestinian territories. Jamal al-Durrah and his 12-year-old son, Muhammad, were filmed by France 2 cameraman Talal Abu Rahma as they sought cover behind a concrete cylinder after being caught in crossfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian security forces.
          1596 руб             2010 год          116 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Musa Ashaari
Abu-Musa Abd-Allah ibn Qays al-Ash' ari, better known as Abu Musa al-Ashari was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and important figure in early Islamic history. He was also an important participant in the troubles which occupied the caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib He was at various times governor of Basra and Kufa and was involved in the early Muslim conquests of Persia.
          1188 руб             2010 год          72 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi
Richard Lemay has argued that the writings of Albumasar were very likely the single most important original source of Aristotle' s theories of nature for European scholars, starting a little before the middle of the 12th century. It was not until later in the 12th century that the original books of Aristotle on nature began to become available in Latin. The works of Aristotle on logic had been known earlier, and Aristotle was generally recognized as "the master of logic. " But during the course of the 12th century, Aristotle was transformed into the "master of those who know," and in particular a master of natural philosophy. It is especially interesting that the work of Albumasar in question is a treatise on astrology. Many of his works were translated into Latin and were well known amongst many European astrologers, astronomers, and mathematicians during the European Middle Ages. He also wrote on ancient Persian history. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Ja' far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma' shar al-Balkhi, also known as al-Falaki or Albumasar or Ibn Balkhi was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and Islamic philosopher.
          2005 руб             2010 год          172 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Hamza al-Thumali
He was also a companion of Muhammad al-Baqir and Ja' far al-Sadiq. Al-Najashi said: “He was the best of our companions and the most reliable of them in narration and tradition. ” It was reported on the authority of Ali al-Ridha who said: “Abu Hamza at his time is like Salman at his time. ” His supplication was accepted. His sons died martyrs with the great revolutionist, Zayd ibn Ali. Abu Hamza al-Thumali was pious and righteous companion of Ali Zayn al-Abidin.
          1392 руб             2010 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Ayyub al-Masri
Er wurde angeblich am 1. Mai 2007 getoetet. Al-Masri wurde in den Jahren 1990 bis 2001 in Afghanistan trainiert und war mit dem Bau von Bomben betraut.
          1840 руб             2010 год          128 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Abdallah al-Shafi
Geboren wurde Asch-Schafi in dem Dorf Gwer nahe Arbil.
          1596 руб             2010 год          120 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Hammu II. Musa
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Abu Hammu II. Musa († 1383) war Sultan der Abdalwadiden in Algerien von 1359-1383.
          1596 руб             2010 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Tamin al-Muizz
Nachdem die Fatimiden unter Ismail al-Mansur (946–953) den Aufstand des Abu Yazid niedergeschlagen hatten, begannen sie unter dessen Sohn Abu Tamim al-Muizz erneut mit dem Versuch, ihr Kalifat in der gesamten islamischen Welt durchzusetzen und die Abbasiden zu stuerzen.
          1188 руб             2010 год          64 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu l'Hasan al-Asch'ari
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!
          1596 руб             2010 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Omar al-Kurdi
Angeblich wurde al-Kurdi die Bombenherstellung moeglich durch die Verwendung von Hunderten von Raketen und von Sprengstoff, den ein anderes Mitglied, Ammar az-Zubaidi, aus irakischen Lagerhaeusern zu Beginn der Invasion des Irak 2003 gestohlen hatte.
          1596 руб             2010 год          124 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu al-Qasim (Emir)
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Ab? l-Q? sim Al? ibn al-Hasan war von 964 bis 982 Emir von Sizilien, der dritte Emir aus der Dynastie der Kalbiten, die Sizilien von 948 bis 1053 beherrschte.
          1392 руб             2010 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Hammu I. Musa
          1392 руб             2010 год          76 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu l-Faid Thauban ibn Ibrahim
Um das Jahr 840 herum war er waehrend der Verfolgung der "Altglaeubigen" in Bagdad eingekerkert.
          1392 руб             2010 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Ya?qub al-Kindi
Besonders Aristoteles' naturphilosophische Schriften wurden von ihm rezipiert. Seine Abhandlung Uber den Intellekt wurde ueber Jahrhunderte von arabischen und lateinischen Intellektuellen breit rezipiert. Auch theologische Debatten wurden von seinen Konzepten beeinflusst. In Bagdad liess er zahlreiche Schriften u. a. von Aristoteles, Platon, Alexander von Aphrodisias und Johannes Philoponos ins Arabische uebersetzen. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Ab? Ya? q? b ibn Ish? q al-Kind? ( * um 800 in Kufa; † 873 in Bagdad), war ein arabischer Philosoph, Wissenschaftler, Mathematiker, Arzt und Musiker. Philosophiegeschichtlich wichtig ist er - neben eigenen Beitraegen - auch wegen seiner Ubersetzungstaetigkeit.
          2413 руб             2010 год          212 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi
Hamid Dawud Mohamed Khalil al Zawi, most commonly known as Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi and also known as Abu Hamza al-Baghdadi and Abu Omar al- Qurashi al-Baghdadi, (died April 18, 2010) was the nom de guerre of the person purported to be the leader (or emir) of the former Mujahideen Shura Council (also known as the "Council of Freedom Fighters", the "Consultative Council of Mujahedeen", and the "Council of Holy Warriors"), an umbrella organization composed of eight groups that oppose the United States' military presence in Iraq, and purported to be the head of the Islamic State of Iraq. The Interior Ministry of Iraq claimed that al- Baghdadi was captured in Baghdad on March 9, 2007, but it was later said that the person in question was not al-Baghdadi. On May 3, 2007, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said that al-Baghdadi was killed by American and Iraqi forces north of Baghdad. However, in July 2007. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!
          1326 руб             2010 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Yusuf ibn Abu Dhaqn
Yusuf ibn Abu Dhaqn known to the west as Josephus Abudacnus or Josephus Barbatus, was an Egyptian Copt who traveled in Europe mainly teaching Arabic in the 17th Century CE. He was born in Cairo around and acquired Greek and Turkish in Egypt.
          1120 руб             2010 год          72 стр.          мягкая обложка

Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni
Abu al- Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni, known as Alberonius in Latin, was a Persian Muslim scholar and polymath of the 11th century.
          2084 руб             2011 год          180 стр.          мягкая обложка

Мужской роман; Женский роман - 400 с. {Женский почерк} ISBN 5-264-00239-8 ~90.05.21 039
          64 руб             `00 год


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