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Vilhelm Andreas Wexelsen

Автор:   Lambert M. S.
мягкая обложка
100 страниц
2011 год
Издательство:   Книга по Требованию
1312 руб
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Описание:He served five terms in the Norwegian Parliament, was Minister of Education and Church Affairs from 1891 to 1892 and 1898 to 1903 and bishop of Nidaros from 1905 to 1909. He was appointed vicar in Kolvereid in 1877, and was then vicar in Overhalla from 1884 to 1891. Wexelsen graduated as cand. theol. from the Royal Frederick University in 1872. Later, he was the regional school director from 1896 to 1898. Vilhelm Andreas Wexelsen (5 June 1849 – 9 July 1909) was a Norwegian bishop and politician for the Liberal Party. Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. While stationed here he became involved in local politics, being mayor of Overhalla municipality from 1878 to 1884 and 1889 to 1891.

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Легенда о докторе Фаусте

Как видно, Симон-маг представлен в апокрифической традиции как вероучитель одной из гностических сект, соперничавших с ранним христианством: гностики пытались примирить христианство с язычеством путем аллегорического истолкования античных и христианских мифов в духе мистического неоплатонизма, широко распространенного в Риме в период упадка рабовладельческого общества. Легенда о Симоне-маге была хорошо известна в средние века, в частности и в Германии. Она вошла в "Императорскую хронику" ("Kaiserchronik"), немецкую поэму середины XII века, имевшую широкое распространение и влияние, была знакома и протестантским богословам, и демонологам XVI века {См., например: Andreas Hondorff. Prompluarinm exemplorum. 1568, л. 33а (ср.: Реtsсh. Faustbuch, стр. 211-212). Ср.: Тексты. 1, 19 и прим.}. Сравнение Фауста с Симоном-магом встречается у Меланхтона (Тексты, I, 13 и 15), Мейгериуса (Тексты, I, 30 и прим.) и в самой народной книге о Фаусте (гл. 52). Можно думать, что рассказ Меланхтона о неудачном полете Фауста при дворе императора и эпизод с Еленой в народной книге непосредственно связаны с этим сказанием ...»

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Andreas H. Bitesnich. Polanude
Каждая из его фотографий - это безупречно обработанный драгоценный камень.
          2 руб             2005 год          176 стр.          твердый переплет

Andreas Werckmeister's Organum Gruningense Redivivum, 1705. An English Translation and Commentary
          1994 руб             2009 год          88 стр.          мягкая обложка

Andreas Isaksson
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!
          1596 руб             2010 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Andreas Baader
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Teutonic Antiquities in Andreas and Elene ...
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Andreas Agnellus
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!
          1326 руб             2010 год          88 стр.          мягкая обложка

Vilhelm Wohlert
Wohlert was educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts' School of Architecture, where one of his teachers was Kaare Klint. In 1958 he and his partner Jorgen Bo started work on the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, a project on which they would work for the next 33 years. They were also responsible for the Bochum Museum of Art, as well as the Gustav Luebcke Museum in Hamm, both in Germany. Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Vilhelm Wohlert (27 May 1920 – 10 May 2007) was a Danish architect.
          1312 руб             2011 год          80 стр.          мягкая обложка

Vilhelm Melbye
Vilhelm Melbye (14 May 1824 - 6 October 1882) was a Danish marine artist, the brother of Anton Melbye and Fritz Melbye.
          1312 руб             2011 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

Vilhelm Herold
However, he also sang throughout Europe, including a command performance for King Edward VII at Buckingham Palace in 1905.
          1506 руб             2011 год          108 стр.          мягкая обложка

Vilhelm Evang
He headed the military intelligence in Norway for almost twenty years, from 1946 to 1965.
          1312 руб             2011 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

Vilhelm Andersson
In the 1924 water polo competition his team finished in fourth place.
          1312 руб             2011 год          88 стр.          мягкая обложка

Vilhelm Buhl
Vilhelm Buhl (16 October 1881 – 18 December 1954) was Prime Minister of Denmark from 4 May 1942 to 9 November 1942 as head of the Unity Government (the Cabinet of Vilhelm Buhl I) during the German occupation of Denmark of World War II, until the Nazis ordered him removed.
          1506 руб             2011 год          124 стр.          мягкая обложка

Andreas Jaszlinszky
Andreas Jaszlinszky (September 1715 in Abaujszina - January 1783 in Rozsnyo) was the Slovakian-born author of the early physics textbooks Institutiones physicae pars prima, seu physica generalis (Trnava/Nagyszombat, 1756/1761, 471 pp) and Institutiones physicae pars altera, seu physica particularis (Trnava/Nagyszombat, 1756/1761, 341 pp).
          1312 руб             2010 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

DVD. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Великолепное музыкальное сопровождение - несколько часов музыки на одиннадцати радиостанциях в исполнении звездных коллективов разных музыкальных направлений, в числе которых Faith No More, KISS, Soundgarden, Rage Against the Machine, Guns ' N' Roses, Ozzy Osbourne.
          509 руб   

Andreas Gursky
          2496 руб             2010 год          196 стр.          твердый переплет

The Statute of the International Court of Justice: Commentary
Historical Introduction, Relationship with Other International - Courts and Tribunals, General Principles of Procedural Law and Discontinuation and Withdrawal The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations and plays a central role in both the peaceful settlement of international disputes and the development of international law. - The first article by article commentary on the most important court in international law - Commentary on the Statute is augmented by commentary on provisions of the UN Charter relating to the Court - Four extra chapters add broader context:
          18474 руб             2006 год          1664 стр.          твердый переплет

Max und der Ozeanriese
          257 руб             2009 год

Flow analysis and capacity restraints in European Road Transport. Conception of a forecast model for bottlenecks in capacity on critical relations of Mondi UFP in the European Road Transportation Sector
As a consequence, this book is dealing with a two- way approach to anticipate capacity bottlenecks in European Road Freight Transportation.
          3188 руб             2009 год          256 стр.          мягкая обложка

Co-opetition in the Automotive Industry. An investigation into the underlying causes, potential gains and losses
This question has intrigued people for generations, with regards to aspects such as politics, military and business.
          1978 руб             2009 год          88 стр.          мягкая обложка

Kfz-Versicherungsnehmer sind bestechlich!. Schadenmanagement und die Akzeptanz alternativer Schadenregulierungsformen in der Kfz-Versicherung
Die Umsetzungsintensitaet ist in den einzelnen Versicherungsunternehmen und Versicherungssparten jedoch unterschiedlich ausgepraegt.
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Estland auf dem Weg zur Waehrungsunion. Vom Currency Board zum WKM II
In diesem Zusammenhang stellt sich daher die Frage ob das Currency Board Estlands den daraus erwachsenen Anspruechen gerecht wird und den noetigen Rahmen fuer einen zukuenftigen Euro-Beitritt schafft.
          1994 руб             2009 год          112 стр.          мягкая обложка

Uberpruefung einer Therapie mit Acetylsalicylsaeure und Clopidogrel bei Patienten nach koronarer Stentimplantation mit Hilfe der Impedanz Aggregometrie Duale Plaettchenhemmung.
Fuer Patienten, bei denen die antithrombozytaere Wirkung unzureichend ist, wurde in juengster Zeit der Begriff "ASS Low-Responder" bzw. "Clopidogrel Low-Responder" gepraegt.
          2359 руб             2010 год          80 стр.          мягкая обложка

The Separated User Interface in Ambient Computing Environments. Design, Infrastructure and Tools for the Development of Remote User Interfaces in Interactive Environments
The achievement of uniformity of the design together with tools and auto-generation of source code are beneficial to the development in independent teams.
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Perturbation Theory for Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Chains. A Case Study in KAM Theory
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains have been an active research area since the famous simulations by Fermi, Pasta, and Ulam in the 1950s, which exhibited unexpected recurrence phenomena.
          3212 руб             2009 год          136 стр.          мягкая обложка

Functional Renormalization Group for Interacting Bosons. Application to the symmetry broken phase
We use a truncation scheme based on a non-local potential approximation which satisfy both exact relations postulated by Hugenholtz and Pines, and Nepomnyashchy and Nepomnyashchy.
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Soziale Netzwerke japanischer Wirtschaftsverbaende. Shukko und Amakudari in sektoralen Verbandsnetzwerken im Chemie und Informations- und Kommunikationssektor
Die Analyse stellt dabei die spezifischen personalisierten Beziehungsstrukturen (jinmyaku) wie shukko und amakudari in den Vordergrund.
          3984 руб             2010 год          268 стр.          мягкая обложка

A Metric Splitting of Alexandrov Spaces. Boundary Strata of nonnegatively curved Alexandrov Spaces and a Splitting Theorem
Then boundary strata are investigated more closely.
          2359 руб             2010 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

Ellipsen. Untersuchungen zu Elliptizitaet und elliptischem Sprachgebrauch
          1994 руб             2008 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

Haustuerwiderrufsgeschaefte, Fernabsatzvertraege, Verbrauchsgueterkauf und Verbraucherkredit Verbraucherprivatrecht: ein Leitfaden ausgewaehlter Bereiche.
Das Buch richtet sich an Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Studierende sowie an interessierte Praktiker.
          2413 руб             2009 год          144 стр.          мягкая обложка

Eine Darstellung ausgewaehlter rechtlicher Anforderungen an das IKS der Informationstechnologie aus Sicht der Finanzberichterstattung IT Governance und der Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung steht die Herausarbeitung der Anforderungen, die sich fuer oesterreichische Unternehmen aus dem SOX ergeben.
          2413 руб             2009 год          124 стр.          мягкая обложка


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