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Ножницы "Dynamic" (21 см)

120 руб
способы доставки и оплаты
Описание:Ножницы с эргономичными пластиковыми ручками и лезвиями из нержавеющей стали. 3 цвета пластиковых ручек, без возможности выбора.

Orthomol Immun Junior Сила иммунитета на страже Вашего ребенка

2990 руб
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Бои у Хасана - Партийно-политическая работа в боевой обстановке (Сборник)

Мощное "ура" катится по склону. Ножницами, лопатами режем, рвем проволоку. Прикладами, штыками уничтожаем колья проволочных заграждений. Быстро устроили проходы. Прорвались на самый гребень сопки Заозерной. Группы японцев, уцелевших от бомб нашей авиации, уничтожаем штыками, гранатами. Пусть знает враг силу гнева советского народа! На высоте взвилось красное знамя. Его пробивают пули, осколки гранат. Но, пронесенное сквозь бой, оно гордо реет над сопкой. Мы победили. Всю ночь идет стрельба. Бьют артиллерия, пулеметы, винтовки. Рвутся гранаты. Мы выбиваем последние остатки, врага. Советская земля очищена от захватчиков. Горячо поздравляем друг друга с победой. Радость всеобщая, волнующая, необычайная. 7 августа. Высота наша. Но бой еще не закончился. Снова ночь. Японцы думают, что мы спим. Нет, мы лежим на передней линии, готовые ко всем неожиданностям боевой обстановки. Раздался шорох. Наш наблюдатель крикнул: - Кто идет? Молчание. Это была группа японцев. Пользуясь ночной темнотой, они приблизились к нашим окопам ...»

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Набор ручек капиллярных STABILO point 88, 6 ручек.
В наборе 6 ручек, цвет: голубой, красный, синий, черный, фиолетовый, сиреневый. Великолепное качество и функциональность капиллярных ручек
368 руб
Раздел: Капиллярные
Полотенце вафельное "Райский уголок", банное, пляжное, 100х150 см.
Вафельное полотенце "Райский уголок". Легкое и практичное полотенце удобно использовать на пляже, в бане и в бассейне.
304 руб
Раздел: Большие, ширина свыше 40 см
Глобус Земли, физико-политический, с подсветкой, 320 мм.
Глобус Земли физико-политический, с подсветкой, работает от сети. Диаметр: 320 мм. На пластиковой подставке. Рельефный. Цвет подставки
1159 руб
Раздел: Глобусы

Ножницы "Dynamic", 16 см
Расцветка ручки в ассортименте (красная, синяя, черная), без возможности выбора!
          92 руб   

Набор для рукоделия: Набор для детского творчества: Bead Set (бусинки + ножницы + медальон): Для детей от 3 лет - - с. {Dream Girls}
          327 руб             - год

Волшебные ножницы Аппликация для малышей: Мои машинки Аппликации.
Если вырезание некоторых деталей вызовет у малыша затруднение - помогите ему.
          15 руб             2010 год          4 стр.          Мягкая обложка

Warton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy
          930 руб             2004 год

Two Essays on Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models
In recent years, a vast macroeconomic and finance literature has been devoted to building DSGE models to explain the impact of various macroeconomic shocks on output, inflation and interest rates.
          2382 руб             2009 год          156 стр.          мягкая обложка

The work presented here includes three self contained but related studies: (1) development of a representational framework that incorporates spatiotemporal properties of geographic phenomena, (2) development of a framework to characterize events and processes that can be inferred from GIS databases, and (3) development of a method to assess similarity of events and processes based on the temporal sequences of spatiotemporal properties.
          1978 руб             2009 год          100 стр.          мягкая обложка

Model Driven Development and Dynamic Composition of Web Services. Meshing the Dynamic World in a Modern Way
The globalization of the world economy leads to the proliferation of service-oriented businesses.
          2766 руб             2009 год          176 стр.          мягкая обложка

Dynamic protein assemblies in homologous recombination. studied by single-molecule techniques
With the use of single-molecule techniques like magnetic tweezers and atomic force microscopy, the complex mechanism of the DNA repair pathway of homologous recombination is slowly unraveled.
          3212 руб             2009 год          232 стр.          мягкая обложка

Three Essays on Site Specific Management. A Statistical and Dynamic Programming Approach
In the third essay, a simulation based on dynamic analysis along with spatial approach is presented that studies the effects of variability and spatial autocorrelation associated with management zone size on the economic values of VRT.
          1994 руб             2009 год          120 стр.          мягкая обложка

Management and Analysis of Bitstreams Generators for Xilinx FPGAs. analysis of FPGA configuration memory for Dynamic Reconfigurable architectures
The insight into configuration memory gained from the analysis of bitstreams has been further exploited to implement advanced tools for dynamic reconfiguration, such as analysis of area conflicts in the evolution of the configuration over time, or possible bitstream relocation position computation.
          2766 руб             2009 год          168 стр.          мягкая обложка

Insight in Problem Solving:. Stuctural and Dynamic Properties
This book analyses insight problem solving process from a different perspective – applying Kurt Lewin’s Field theory it investigates dynamic properties of solving an insight problem by analyzing the changes in the state of tension experienced by the problem solver.
          2766 руб             2009 год          200 стр.          мягкая обложка

GARCH-like Models with Dynamic Crash Probabilities. A Parametric Approach for Modelling Extreme Events
The aim is a splitting of risk into normal risk coming mainly from the GARCH dynamic and extreme event risk coming from the modeled crashes.
          2781 руб             2008 год          176 стр.          мягкая обложка

Model Driven Security for the Realization of Dynamic Security Requirements. In Collaborative Systems
Applications built on web service technologies use plenty of standards like WS-security for the fulfillment of security requirements like confidentiality and integrity and eXtensbile Access Control Markup Language (XACML) for the specification of access policies to name a few.
          2781 руб             2008 год          184 стр.          мягкая обложка

Development and Assessment of Wafer Transport Sequencing Rules for Clustertools. Development of Sequencing Rules for Clustertools by Means of Dynamic Tool Simulation
They integrate several process chambers into a tool and enable sequential process steps within one tool and/or increase capacity and availability by using several chambers in parallel for the same step.
          2005 руб             2008 год          104 стр.          мягкая обложка

Introduces scalable media content (including H. 264/SVC) and presents and evaluates new approaches towards Universal Media Access Codec-agnostic Dynamic and Distributed Adaptation of Scalable Media.
To achieve this, novel mechanisms for fragmentation, storage and transport of XML metadata are introduced. Today' s Internet is accessible to diverse end devices through a wide variety of network types. To react to this diversity of usage contexts new media codecs include adaptation support in the codec design. An adaptation node based on these novel mechanisms is implemented and evaluated for several types of scalable media. Scalable media codecs enable to easily retrieve different qualities of the media content by simply disregarding certain media segments. This book extends the DIA approach towards dynamic and distributed environments. This Generic Scalability Header (GSH) enables codec-agnostic adaptation at a considerably lower performance cost compared to the DIA approach. The MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) standard enables codec-agnostic adaptation by specifying a set of descriptions in order to describe content, adaptation possibilities and usage context in the XML domain. Additionally, a mechanism based on a novel binary header to enable codec-agnostic adaptation is specified. A concluding discussion analyzes the results of the evaluation of both mechanisms.
          2781 руб             2009 год          184 стр.          мягкая обложка

Dynamic Reconfigurability in Reconfigurable Computing Systems. Formal Aspects of Computing
This monograph breaks fresh ground in dealing with dynamic reconfigurability taking advantage of algebraic and coalgebraic approaches - the firm formal methods applicable to a wide variety of reconfigurable computing systems.
          3231 руб             2009 год          236 стр.          мягкая обложка

Multi-Objective Optimization in Multicast Flows. Multi-Objective Optimization Scheme for Static and Dynamic Multicast Flows
In this case, we are using the multipath approach to every egress node to obtain the multitree approach and of this way to create several multicast tree.
          2781 руб             2009 год          184 стр.          мягкая обложка

Dynamic Multimedia Delivery in a Ubiquitous Computing Environment. The Future of Multimedia Delivery and Consumption for Pervasive Computing
Ubiquitous computing is the concept of embedding many heterogeneous devices within our everyday environment in such a way that they operate seamlessly and become transparent to the person using them.
          3231 руб             2009 год          280 стр.          мягкая обложка

Extreme Risk Analysis of Dynamic Interdependent Systems. With Applications to Sectors of the Economy and Financial Modeling
Over the past decades, risk analysis and risk-based methodologies have been widely and increasingly supporting government agencies and industries in the daily decisionmaking process.
          2413 руб             2008 год          144 стр.          мягкая обложка

Dynamic Dialogue in Learning and Teaching. Towards Transformation in Vocational Teacher Education
Tutoring and mentoring programs should form a continuation in pre-service, induction and in-service education The study suggests that the spirit of invigoration, creativity, innovation and life-long, life-wide learning should be cherished in educational institutions as well as collaboration and professional self-esteem.
          3231 руб             2010 год          276 стр.          мягкая обложка

Crack propagation in functionally graded materials. Dynamic fracture response of inhomogeneous bi-materials under in-plane and out-of-plane load
In these materials, properties of interest vary gradually from point to point.
          2413 руб             2010 год          128 стр.          мягкая обложка

Controlling Dynamic Stall with an Electrically Actuated Flexible Wall. The mysterious zero pressure gradient point on the suction side of a pitching airfoil
Drastic changes in pressure around the point of zero pressure gradient were found.
          2413 руб             2010 год          140 стр.          мягкая обложка

Amalgam of form and image through use of a 3D light-point matrix to deliver a content-driven zone in real-time Spatial Dynamic Media System.
The hypothesis of my PhD is that this real time reconfiguration of space using light offers a variety of new perceptions ranging from information sharing to public art never experienced previously.
          3231 руб             2010 год          400 стр.          мягкая обложка

Exploring the Dynamic Linkages. Land Tenure Systems, Agricultural Investment and Food Security among Smallholder Farmers in Sululta, Oromia Regional State
In addition to doing such exploration on the link, the study has also attempted to identfy the land tenure policy options of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia, where the finding was indifferent.
          2413 руб             2010 год          140 стр.          мягкая обложка

Dynamic Performance of High Temperature Ceramic Check Valves. High Temperature Performance of Check Valves Fitted with Ceramic Components
The springs were of 10, 12, 14 and 16 turns per inch (TPI).
          2413 руб             2008 год          156 стр.          мягкая обложка

A Dynamic Compiler for an Embedded Java Virtual Machine
The improved Java virtual machine (called E- Bunny) outperformed the standard KVM by a factor of 4 (400%).
          2005 руб             2008 год          96 стр.          мягкая обложка

Dynamic Resource Allocation in Wireless Fading Channels. A Convex Optimization Approach
Third, this dissertation investigates the information-theoretic limits of multiuser, fading, multiple-access channel (MAC).
          2413 руб             2008 год          144 стр.          мягкая обложка

Kinase C Probes. Fluorescent Sensors for Dynamic Intracellular Signalling
This book presents fluorescent reporters for monitoring protein kinase C, a central actor on the stage of cellular signalling.
          2413 руб             2008 год          156 стр.          мягкая обложка

Age-related Dynamic Visual Accommodation. Its Measure, Modeling, and Intervention
It was found that the advancing of age, the decrease of light intensity, and the change of light chromaticity all led to the alteration of one' s dynamic accommodative performance. This study concluded with a biomechanical and neural model elaborating the mechanism of an accommodation process, as well as a visual display design guideline to compensate the age-related accommodation loss. Therefore, a study was conducted to investigate the age-related dynamic accommodative characteristics under various conditions of the intensity and chromaticity of light. Visual accommodation plays a critical role in one' s visual perception and activities of daily living.
          2781 руб             2010 год          172 стр.          мягкая обложка

Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy
The technique is intensive in that it aims to help the patient experience these warded-off feelings to the maximum degree possible; it is short-term in that it tries to achieve this experience as quickly as possible; it is dynamic because it involves working with unconscious forces and transference feelings. ISTDP' s primary goal is to help the patient overcome internal resistance to experiencing true feelings about the present and past which have been warded off because they are either too frightening or too painful. Patients come to therapy because of either symptoms or interpersonal difficulties. Symptoms include traditional psychological problems like anxiety and depression, but they also include medically unexplained symptoms such as headache, shortness of breath, diarrhea, or sudden weakness. Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a form of short-term psychotherapy developed through empirical, video-recorded research by Habib Davanloo, MD. This article is an introductory overview.
          1840 руб             2010 год          132 стр.          мягкая обложка

Sensational Bead Set (бусинки + ножницы + нитки): Более 5 тыс. элементов: Для детей от 3 лет - - с. {Dream Girls} Супер-набор для рукоделия: Набор для детского творчества:
          347 руб             - год

Shooroop 'Камень.Ножницы.Бумага' [CD] { } ~54.00.00 41954
          116 руб   

Камень, ножницы, бумага
Не умеешь примириться с прошлым, плохо работаешь над собой. . . Близкие, услышав, что за тобой охотиться неведомый маньяк, намерены упрятать тебя в психушку.
          111 руб             2007 год          224 стр.          твердый переплет

Ножницы судьбы
Вместо нее погибает домработница Светлана, немного похожая на хозяйку — особенно когда она потихоньку примеряет ее вещи, украшения и делает такую же прическу… Кто перепутал двух женщин? И перепутали ли? Может, именно Света должны была стать жертвой, а Алине только кажется, что убрать хотели ее?
          153 руб             2010 год          352 стр.          твердый переплет

Домашние животные Аппликации. Аппликация для малышей: Волшебные ножницы
Для работы вам понадобятся: ножницы для бумаги, клей, чистый лист белой или цветной бумаги и немножко терпения.
          15 руб             2010 год          4 стр.          Мягкая обложка


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